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I looked up to see some random dude with dark hair sitting at the drum set.

I felt my heart sink with depression as I slumped against the doorframe,"Uh, sorry, I heard the music and thought-"

"You can join in and listen if you want," I heard a girl with black hair tied halfway with a blue ribbon say from beside me, she was plugging up a guitar jack to a giant speaker that was going to rock the whole school,"We never get an audience."

"That's...sad, I guess."

"Yeah, pretty sad when your mom used to sing and people would buy their voice from her because it was so beautiful," she turned to me and I noticed her neon blue eyes stare at me with a playful yet powerful glare,"and a couple of the other members's parents have great musical talents.."

Her hair style didn't match the rest of her outfit at all, she had an oversized baby blue sweater that reached her knees with a navy blue and black flannel shirt over it..basically swallowing her. She wore black skintight, ripped up sweatpants and light blue high top sneakers with permanent marker written all over them with random doodles or words. The words "mermaid", "feminist", and "bi" shouted out the most while doodles of fish and stars decorated most of the space.

She bounced over to me and smiled, her winged eyeliner was somehow so perfectly sharp that it scared me a little bit, she held her hand out,"I'm Melody, daughter of Ariel and Eric."

"Jay," I debated whether to tell her Willie or Jay..she seemed like she'd be chill with my genuine self but I wasn't too sure.

"Oh! You're that new kid! of them," she didn't sound intimidated or scared at all, more fascinated,"Hey! Aziz!"

The guy at the drums whipped his head from the drum set jack,"You can go now, I think he'll like how they sound."

He hopped down off the platform and left,"Uh.."

"He's one of Aladdin's sons, don't think he'd like seeing the son of Jafar, ya know?"


"Plus, he's also super sporty and has to get to tourney. He's the coach's pet. A suck up and all that."

"Uh huh..I thought Aladdin had a son named Laddie?"

"Oh, you've met Laddie? How did that go?" She crossed her arms.

The way she said "that" like she knew he would've caused instant trouble.

"Pretty confrontational, if I'm being honest," I laughed a bit, rubbing the back of my neck like it itched but, really, I just wanted to leave.

Melody rolled her eyes,"Yeah, when he found out the son of Jafar was coming, he was the only one, besides Aladdin, in their family that was really upset. Aziz was okay but he's kinda off guard about it."

"So...Aziz isn't going to cause problems?"

"Not if you start anything to begin with," she shrugged and I felt myself relax, glad to know I wouldn't be ruffling anymore feathers with kids of heroes I didn't even know.

But then my mind turned and I cocked my head,"How do you know Laddie?"

"Oh, he's-"

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