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Toby's POV

I know there's something wrong. I can feel it. But she wants me to go, so I will. Tim or Brian would accuse me of being soft, but they didn't see the look in her eyes when she told me to leave. She was silently giving me three options. I leave willingly, I leave by her forcing me, or we both die fighting about it. I don't want to kill again tonight, and I don't really enjoy being cursed, so I chose the safest option for all of us.

Speaking of safe, I was an idiot to come here so soon after a kill. If she had come a step closer, her roommate would have found her with a slit neck. I'm relieved she waited as long as she did, but I'm confused about why she came close to me at all. I didn't really enjoy her touch, but it wasn't as disgusting and needy as some other people I've met.

As I head down the street, I stop. I realise I left my damn harness in her kitchen. "SHIT!" I not-so-silently curse. I always take off my gear like that if I'm cooking anything. More of a health precaution then anything.

Normally, I wouldn't give a shit. But it's obvious this 'friend' of hers isn't real nice and most likely won't like seeing my gear on her couch. And judging her by her reaction, it's another psycho. I know from personal experience, we get real fucking territorial about our people of interest. Whether they're partners or targets, it doesn't matter.

I make my way around the front until I'm able to check the living room window. My body freezes when I see the back of the man (Y/n)'s arguing with. Of course she's calm about me. With a guy like that around, anyone would think I'm calm as a dead bull.

I feel like my blood is boiling, and I know smothering my anger isn't an option. This isn't going to be easy to explain to the boss, but I don't have a choice.

My vision goes tunnel when I watch him raise his hand, bringing it across her face. Her head whips to the side, the force and pain making her stumble back.

I don't understand why I'm so determined to keep her safe, alive and mine, but I want it. Badly.

I move back towards the front door. I leave my jacket behind a bush, along with my goggles. Turning my scarf inside out and trying to tame my hair a little--it doesn't work--and pound on the door. Thumping footsteps, and the door swings open to show a furious Jeff. He hesitates, and that hesitation gives me a chance. My fist meets his face in a solid hook. I think I broke his nose, but I don't really care.

He stumbles back, trying to staunch the bloodlfow. I sock him again, aiming for his ear. He hits the back of the couch. I'm standing over him in seconds, planting my foot in his stomach and pushing.

"I don't g-give a shi-it how long yo-u've been coming here, st-stop." I growl, fighting my ticks as best as possible. I don't register what (Y/n)'s doing, but I should have.

In the next second, I'm shoved down next to Jeff. (Y/n) is standing over the both of us, a flattened palm pushed towards each of us. She's using some kind of shield to force us down, and it's obviously wearing on her. She's pale, sweating, and fighting tears. Jeff growls, trying to get up before being shoved back down.

"I'm tired of this, so please just leave me alone! I won't tell anyone anything about either of you and I'll keep my powers a secret, but stop coming to me for your problems!" She begs.

Her legs are shacking from exhaustion. Jeff glares at her in silence. I think over my options. I could easily kill Jeff, without my axes, but he'd probably get a good hit in on me. And it would be real hard to explain to the boss. I could knock him out, I guess, and drag him home. That's common enough anyways that no one will question it. But will she let me?

I don't have a choice. I guess I'll have to go along with it. "Alright. We-we'll go. But he's not leaving witho-ut a fight." I keep my voice steady and low, as calm as possible.

She looks at me with her stunning (e/c) eyes, making my breath hitch. Jeff looks at me with a deadly glare before looking back at her. "Come on, babe, I'm sorry I hit you. But I was right! You've been seeing this dipshit behind my back!" Jeff growls accusatorily at me.

"Ba-be?! What the hell, Je-Jeff?! You're blaming me fo-for breaking rules, but yo-you've been actually se-eing a human! Do-do you know what th-the boss will do whe-en he finds out?" I snap right back.

"He wasn't going to, until you came by!" He roars.

"He ord-ered me to kill her-her, Woods!! He would hav-have known either way!"

Jeff gets really quiet, really fast. I notice he's shacking. Looking back up at (Y/n), I realize she's about to pass out. I wait until her field is down before I kick up to her, catching her a foot from the ground. Jeff gets to his feet slowly.

"He ordered you to kill her? When?" He's glaring at his knife.

"Almost a mo-month ago." I tell him, picking her up and taking her over to the couch. I kick my gear out of the way and set her down.

"How often do you visit?"

"I-I haven't come since tha-at first night. Tonight I n-eeded her to fix a bu-bullet hole in my shoul-der." I tell me colleague.

"Why'd you spare her?" His voice gets lower. More dangerous.

"Because sh-e wasn't scar-scared of me. I wanted to un-understand why." I snap. "The boss thi-inks she's a liability. Obviously, sh-she could be useful."

His nostrils flare. "Useful? Is that all you care about?! Whether or not she's useful?!!" He practically screams.

I glare up at him as I strap my belt back on. "Yes. U-useful. Is there a pr-problem with that?"

He slams his fist into the marble counter, cursing under his breath. We both shoot to attention when we hear a car pulling up.

"Get her to her bed. If Zemra sees her looking like this, she'll flip. I'll get the window open." Jeff orders.

I don't hesitate to pick her up again, hustling to her room. Jeff shuts the door behind us and goes to the window, working the lock quickly and slipping out. I set her on her bed gently, hesitating a moment. She's looks too pale... I shake the thoughts from my head and dive through the window, shutting it behind me. Jeff locks it with his knife.

When we meet each others' eyes, we burst out into silent laughter.  "Maybe we can share." He offers with that challenging, mischievous look he almost always has.

I punch his shoulder gently. "Maybe."

It's not hard getting home, but explaining our simultaneous return, as well as Jeff's broken nose and bruised, swelling ear is harder.

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