Late Drives

10 1 0

Song- Fix You by Coldplay

  The world feels so different when the sun has gone down and the moon has come out of hiding. All there is is a endless span of roads and lights that twinkle with their own shine. I feel so peaceful and unreal as if all whats wrong with the world has been put on pause like a forgotten movie.
Its the best time to do your deepest thinking. To do the digging you were too afraid to touch and let out all what was hiding in the cave of your mind & heart. Its when I feel the most open and vulnerable. ~ Kiera
My thoughts tonight as I drive the span of a thousand miles.

   If I keep driving will anything really change? I wouldnt have anywhere to go. Wouldnt have enough money to do anything. All I would have is myself, the road ahead and no worries. No worries about being good enough for those around me. Would my friends miss me? Would they cry? Would my family miss me? Would my brothers notice or the animals I have? What would happen to me in the end? Stuck. Stranded. Would it be that bad? Who knows...

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