Chapter One

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I couldn't help the way my eyes locked on his tall silhouette as he made his way through the threshold closing the door behind him. The quietness of the house laid a peaceful atmosphere, making it easy to remember how much I missed little moments like these. Pushing myself to the other side of the bed, I watched as he noticed the opportunity i took away from him, moving so he couldn't tower over me. Something so small and simple was always the key to my downfall, and knowing what to avoid always saved us all.

"You know I missed you turtle." He said, leaning down to crawl onto my queen size mattress, causing it to dip slightly with his weight. His luscious lips captured mine in a brief moment causing me to freeze before relaxing. "Don't pull away from me. You know it's been too long."

"We can't, you know that. Boundaries, remember?" Letting out a soft sigh he nodded his head before speaking gently.  "Come here."

The two of us laid comfortably in silence, my fingers traveling through his hair as they always did. Even when it was a tangled mess I managed to comb my way through it, taking out any knots that dare stood in my path.

"How long are you staying for?" He questioned gripping onto my thigh. It was hard trying to keep the boundaries we set so we didn't slip up again, and it was even harder to be this close to him without feeling my heart pound in my chest.

"I'll be here to annoy you until January twenty-something. I'll have to get back to you about the exact date." Mechael turned onto his stomach, his green, almost grayish eye's causing my heart to do that thing I hate.

Slow it down. Stay calm
Breathe in, breathe out

I break our gaze, shattering the hypnotic effect his eyes always left me under. "I was thinking," I began to say as I mindlessly stare at the black lamp on my nightstand. "Maybe we could spend Christmas eve together this year and go star gazing?"

Slowly I turn to look at him once more, catching his eyes closed for a moment, deep in thought before the pair opened to greet me along with his handsomely small smile. "That sounds like a plan. But I won't be able to stay the whole night."

It was bittersweet knowing he'd spend most of the night with me but knowing he'd have to leave should of been expected. We weren't kids anymore. We didn't have all the time in the world to be glued by one another's side.

The sound of his phones ringtone startled me as he reached over to the night stand, his long body shielding me while he grabbed it. I knew from the sound and the way his body stiffened, all I needed to know.

"You have to go."
"I have to go." We say in sync as he's still leaning over me. Turning his head to face me I quickly turned away not wanting to show how I felt. My pain. My hurt.

"It's fine." I say thinking of the happiest moment of my life, a genuine smile planting it's disguise on my lips as I turned to him.

Think happy thoughts

"You should head out anyways. The fam is gonna be home soon." Nodding his head Mecheal quickly got up, putting on his shirt and shoes. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Alright." It hurt my heart to see him ready to go in a heart beat.

Who is she this time.

I leaned back against my head board attempting to clear my mind. I should be used to this, right? It's been like this since sophomore year of high school. I've always had him but never to the capacity that I wanted. I guess we we're best friends with benefits most times, even though I thought by now we'd be best friends in love.

"Bye. Stay safe." I say softly as he stopped at the door, holding it open ajar. A flash a pain shot through his eyes as his bore into mine and I knew I fucked up.


"It's see you later, preferable love you later. You know this." Without another word he leaves shutting the door behind him.

"Self sabotage at it's finest." I laugh softly laying down on my large cloud like bed. The only trace left of him being the scent of his cigarette and cologne on my sheets, comforting me as I wish he would of stayed here just a moment longer.

Thank you for reading the first chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it. Any feedback would be appreciated, and if you like this chapter don't forget to vote! I'll be updating this story every tuesday so keep an eye out for it.

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