chapter two.

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Marley's POV:

After we finsished dinner, I did the dishes while my grandpa brought my bags into the house. "Hey Mar, you're gonna be staying in the back bedroom by the deck." He handed me my purse and helped me bring everything into the room. The back room was probably my favorite room in the house, so I was perfectly fine with staying there. It had the biggest closet, had a door leading out to the deck and a fantastic view of the beach. When I opened the door, I stopped dead in my tracks and gasped as I walked into the room. Leaning up against the queen sized bed was my old surfboard. I left it here last time my family and I were visiting. I had just assumed I would be back the next summer to surf, but when we didn't come back, I had wished I had brought it home with me.

My grandpa chuckled as I ran over and picked the surfboard up. He set my bags down by the closet. "Why don't you run down to the beach and get some surfing in. I know you've missed it." He winked and left the room, shutting the door behind him. I ripped open my suitcase and pulled out my favorite bikini. I quickly changed, yelled goodbye to my grandparents and ran out the back door. The fact that the beach was right in their backyard was beyond ideal. 

My feet hit the water and I laughed. I didn't realize how much I really missed the ocean until then. The water was the perfect temperature. I paddled out into the water and surfed for a good hour until I was wiped out, the smile never leaving my face. 

Wesley's POV:

"Bro. Check her outttttttt." I looked over to where Drew was pointing. A girl with long, perfectly straight brown hair was running towards the water with a surfboard in tow. I was in shock. She was absolutely gorgeous. I had never seen her before, which was weird because I knew most of the girls that came to this beach. I mean, I was here ALL the time. And it was more of a smaller, secluded beach that was just a two minute walk from my house. "Dude I think I'm in love." I said as I looked back at Drew. "You and me both, man. Like holy shit. Not only is she smokin', she's totally tearing it up out there!" I looked out to where she was riding a pretty sick wave. Drew and I both just sat down in the sand and watched her in awe. 

About after an hour of her surfing, she started paddling back to shore. I took that as my cue. I grabbed my board and ran out to where she was sitting on her board, leaving Drew behind. 

Marley's POV: 

I was completely wiped. I forgot how much energy surfing takes. But I was having way too much fun to stop. I paddled a little closer to shore and layed on my board. "You were pretty damn sick out there. I'm totally impressed." I sat up and saw the hottest boy I'd ever laid my eyes on. He was totally tan and had some pretty killer abs. He laughed at me staring, and reached his arm out. "I'm Wesley." He flashed a set of pearly white teeth. I shook his hand and introduced myself, giggling. "Hey uh.. Thanks. I'm Marley." "So Marley, how come I've never seen you before? I'm at the beach almost every day, and think I would have noticed someone with the skills you have." I giggled at his comment.

This boy was totally gorgeous. He gave me major butterflies in my stomach. He had these chocolatey brown eyes that made me melt inside. "I....I just.... I just moved here from New York City." I mentally slapped myself for stammering. This Wes kid had quite an effect over me. "No way, that's sweet! I've always wanted to go to New York! What brings you to Huntington?" He smiled. Ugh that smile. It was so infectious, I couldn't help but smile back. "My grandparents live here." I pointed over to their house. "I wanted to move out, so I'm staying with them till I find my own place." He raised his eyebrows when he saw their house. "Daaang. Their house looks pretty sick." I had to admit, they did have a pretty big house. That's how all the houses right along the beach were. I'd never really thought much of it before. "Yeah, it's pretty nice!" He looked back at me, "Hey what are you doing tonight? My friends and I are having a bonfire on the beach. I'd love it if you come with me." He grinned at me and the butterflies were back. "I'm so there." 

Wesley's POV:

This girl was perfect. There was something different about her. She seemed so chill and little shy. She wasn't throwing herself and me, which most girls seem to do. It just made me want to get to know her even more. When she agreed to go to the bonfire with me, I did a little victory dance inside. 

We paddled back to the beach and started walking over to where Drew was still sitting. He raised his eyebrows when he saw us coming his way. "Marley, this is my best bud Drew. Drew, this is Marley." Drew stood up and pulled her into a hug. I laughed at Marley's shocked expression. Drew is one of the chillest guys I know. He's all about hugging, he hates handshakes- he thinks they're "too formal". 

"Marley! It's so good to meet you!" She giggled, "It's good to meet you too!" Drew high-fived her and went off about how amazing she was at surfing. She was blushing saying she wasn't that good. Ha. Yeah right, this girl was the shit. "Wesley said you guys were having a bonfire tonight?" She looked between the two of us, smiling that gorgeous smile of hers. Drew smirked at me, then looked back at her, "Yeah, you better be coming!" She laughed, "Of course I am!"

--this is my first fanfic, so i'm not totally sure what i'm doing! haha but i dedicate this chapter to laurala27, who has my favorite e3 fanfic on here (:

let me know what you guys think, i'd LOVE suggestions! xoxo 

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