chapter four.

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Marley's POV:

I wake up to my phone vibrating. I reached over to the nightstand and unplugged my phone from it's charger. I had two new text messages- both from Wesley, one missed call and a voicemail from my mom. I smiled when I saw the texts from Wes.

    --Wesley Stromberg
       Goodnight Mar, I had so much fun with you today. Sweet dreams :)

    --Wesley Stromberg
       Morning sunshine! :) What are you doing today? I wanna see you. 

I quickly replied to him: 

    --Marley Miles
       Good morning! :) I was planning on apartment shopping..wanna come?

I hit send, then opened up the phone app to call my mom back. "Hey sweetie! How are you? Is everything okay?" I laughed "Yeah mom, everything's great." I told her about Wes, Drew and Keaton and how I finally got to surf again. We talked for about ten minutes, until she said she had to go because she was late for a meeting. I hung up and headed for the kitchen. Grandma had breakfast all laid out on the dining room table. Waffles, bacon, eggs  fruit and orange juice. This was my other favorite part about coming to my grandparents. Grandma always cooked up the best food.

"Good morning Mar girl! Just in time for breakfast. How'd you sleep?" She handed me a plate. "I slept great! Passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. This smells great grandma!" She smiles, "Thank dear. ...Norman! Breakfast is ready!" Grandpa sauntered into the dining room and served himself a plate. They asked me about my night as we ate. "That Wesley kid sure seems nice. And he likes my car, so that's even better." I laughed at my grandpa. At least they approved of him. I told them I was going out with him today to look for a place. "Take my car, I know Wes would like that." He winked at me as I went back to my room to change. 

    --Wesley Stromberg
       I'd love to! When? :)

    --Marley Miles
       I'll pick you up in about half an hour? :)

    --Wesley Stromberg
       Sound great, I can't wait :)

 I got ready as quickly as I could. I couldn't wait to see Wesley again. Everything just felt so good when I was around him, like I didn't have a care in the world. I went to my grandpa's den and he gave me the keys. He also handed me a 20 dollar bill saying, "Have some fun." 

I pulled up to Wesley's house and honked the horn. The door opened and Wes came out grinning. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. He started to shut the door behind him, but it was yanked open and Drew came out behind him yelling for Keaton. "Dude come check out Marley's car!! It's sick as balls!" Wes hopped in the front seat while the other boys were drooling over the car. Wes had this proud look on his face, like it was his or something. I was dying. These boys were too much. 

"Mar.........." Drew looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Can me and Keaters come for a ride toooooo??" They both stuck their bottom lips out. Wes shook his head, but Drew and Keaton looked so excited, so I told them to hop in. They high fived each other and were yelling at the top of their lungs when Wes leaned over to me, "I was hoping to just spend the day with you.." His hot breath on my neck gave me chills. Turning my head, I looked into his eyes. Our faces were just inches apart. "We'll only go on ride, then take them home. Then it'll just be you and me." I winked, then put the car into drive. "Buckle up boys!"

Wesley's POV:

I was waiting by the front window, waiting for Marley to come get me. I was so pumped to see her again. Especially after I kissed her. I hoped it didn't scare her off or anything, because I was totally falling for her. I've never really felt like this when it comes to girls. It's usually just a hit it and quit it type of thing, I've never wanted to go for something more. But when Marley it was different. There was just something about her. 

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