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He closed it and opened the main menu again.
He tried a few more times, but it still lacked the options to quit the game.

But that can't be right! How the hell was he suppose to get out??

He didn't have much time to think as the sound of a low hiss came from behind him.
He quickly turned to see an abnormally large spider clawing towards him. Turning on his heels, he tucked tail and took off running again. Being the complete idiot that he was, he hadn't even made a base yet. I mean, he wasn't planing on sleeping in the game! He just wanted to test it out for crying out loud!!

He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Every muscle in his body cried for him to rest, but he couldn't. Not here. He ran to the side of a mountain that he remembered passing earlier, quickly switching his item from a sword to a pickaxe. He swung as hard and quickly as he could, breaking the blocks and placing them into his inventory for later use. He heard a skeleton load and draw back its bow as he broke through the final block. He rushed into the small space and stacked the blocks back up behind him, placing the last one just as the arrow flew, hitting the block instead of him.
Tommy looked at the walled off bit in utter disbelief. He fell back, practically gasping for air. He pulled his knees in, panicking. He sniffled as tears formed in his eyes. His body wailed in soreness, urging him to sleep.

So that's exactly what he did, curled up into a small ball, Tommy fell asleep.

It felt like it had only been a second since he closed his eyes, but he soon would wake up to the muffled sound of mobs burning. He sat up and stretched, hearing his shoulder give that satisfying pop before letting his arms fall back down.
"Okay, Thomas, what's the plan now?" He asked himself. 'Let check again..' he thought, bringing up the menu once again. Still nothing.
'I'm fucking stuck here, how the hell am I suppose to get out!?' He groaned slightly. "M-Mum or dad might notice, they could try and take the headset off!" He thought. "Yeah, all I have to do is wait!" He smiled, getting up. He took his pickaxe and mined away the cobble stone that blocked the entrance to his little hollowed out space.
He peered out before leaving the 'safety' of his cave. He searched through his inventory and checking what he had before closing it and carrying on. 'Okay, okay! Maybe you just have to beat the game! Yeah!' He smiled confidently. "Yeah! You've done this like, a million times before!!" He said. "Might not be as good as Dream, but you're not half bad, this is gonna be easy!" He told himself. 'I should've talked to Tubbo before this..' he thought.
Wait a sec. Tubbo. Tubbo is suppose to join his game.
'Aw fuck, no!!!' He thought. As much as he'd love to have his best friend at his side so he wouldn't have it face this alone, he wouldn't want him trapped in here as well! Then they'd both be stuck!!

He shook his head. "Okay, I've just gotten get as far into the game as possible before he gets here then!" He thought. "Just- gotta beat the game, that's all!" He walked off, switching back to his axe as he remembered Dream saying that they did more damage.
'Ugh, if only he were here right now..this would be so much easier..' he thought. He shook his head again. "No, focus!" He scolded himself. "You need to go find that village from earlier, grab the stuff from the black smith maybe, and try to build an actual base for yourselves." He muttered as he walked off in search for the village he had spotted earlier.

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