Of couse I am

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Sometimes Hoseok really doesn't seem to understand Yoongi.

Maybe, this was one such time.

Yoongi normally doesn't wake up so early, so why today?

"What's up?" Hoseok asked, as he looked at the older, who was busy in the kitchen.

Before Yoongi could answer, the doorbell rang and Hoseok went to answer it.

Opening the door, Hoseok quirked a brow. "Um..?" He was confused what to say. He looked at Yoongi and the latter came. "Oh, yes. Come" He welcomed them in. And, most importantly, Yoongi forgot that Hoseok was still at the door, and he had to tell him to come too.

Hoseok finally came in, closing the door.

"Aren't you Hoseok?" Someone asked him. "I'm Namjoon... And, Yoongi always talks about you" He smirked and Hoseok widened his eyes. He didn't expect the older to talk about him 'all the time'

"Can you just shut up?" Yoongi exclaimed, when  Namjoon just shrugged.

After some minutes of talking to each other, Hoseok got to know all of the names of Yoongi's friends. He feels jealous though, Yoongi has got many friends, while he had none. He tried making friends, but that part was hard.

"You're very beautiful" The youngest said.

Jungkook, Hoseok remembered.

Nodding his head with cheeks a dark shade of pink, Hoseok could only manage to stutter out a "thank you"

"You're cute too!" Everytime they threw a compliment at Hoseok, and the latter was now getting comfortable with all of them. Hoseok laughed and played with some of them, while chattered away with the others, and it was all good.

Also, he got to know that Kim Namjoon, the tall guy is Yoongi's best friend. Hoseok learned many things about them, and it all thanks to Namjoon.

However, He felt intimidated by Yoongi, by the dark glare with which the older looked at him.

Hoseok tried. He tried to understand what's wrong. He couldn't though.

But, he really didn't understand that Yoongi didn't like the way the boys were being so close to him.

It was the lunch time. While Yoongi was about to go get the food from the kitchen, he grabbed Hoseok's hands and pulled him out of the sofa. The younger was sitting, and talking about his school days. He didn't mind though, he knew he should help the other.

"Why were you talking to them like that?"

"Um.. Like what?"

"Like.... You know each of them already"

"Say, you're just jealous" Hoseok shrugged.

"Of course, I am" Yoongi said pining Hoseok against the wall, with his hands on the either side of the younger's face.

While Yoongi was too close to the other's face, Hoseok tried to calm down and breathe properly. When he couldn't, he stood there with his face all red and head hanging low, thereafter.

"L-let me g-go" The younger managed to say.

But, oh well, Yoongi was too busy focussing on the little details of Hoseok's face to even realise the position they were in.

Infact, he might just thank himself for the amount of self restraint he holds to not lean in and kiss the other's lips. Yoongi had been staring at it for too long, and he gulped, trying not to lose focus.

After a good deal of time, they were back to the dining table and all of them ate contentfully.

It's funny how fast time flies. Like, it was just some minute ago that all of them were here, and now they're going back. Hoseok feels bad, and he wishes all of them like him.

He's got to say, that Jimin kid was so good, and Namjoon, Jin, they're awesome. And, not to forget about the other two. They're all good.

Yoongi, after closing the door shut, was walking up the stairs.

And, Hoseok was trying to run and catch up with him. He wanted to ask him something, that wasn't very important anyways, but Hoseok was curious to know the answer.

"Yoongi! Am.. Am I not your friend?" He finally asked.


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