And, it happened!

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"You know? Jihoon is much better than you"

"Yeah, he'll leave you on read, but still be good" Yoongi mocked.

"Whatever. He's not like some stone who never talks to me willingly" Hoseok replied back.

It all started with their mothers talking about their friends, and them listening to it, while sitting far away. In these three days time that they weren't together, a lot of things happened.
Hoseok's father was finally back, Mr. Min, who was out of station for his work, finally came back. Today, both of the men are off to somewhere the others don't know of. And, so Haewon called her friend to come too.

"Do I look like a stone to you?" Yoongi asked.

"You don't look like one, you really are one" Hoseok laughed.

"Yah! Stop that" Yoongi comanded. "Besides, don't talk about that guy"


"That Jihoon or whatever he is"

"Why is that so?" Hoseok questioned.

"I don't like him" Yoongj confessed.

"I do"

"Yeah, that's your problem. I don't even like his name"

"You don't know him... He's good"

"I am still sceptical"

"When are you not?"

All of the bickering went on, and they got louder. Suddenly, Yoongi caught Hoseok's hands, and scooting closer to him, he muttered, "Don't talk about him much" His voice was low. "I don't like it"

Hoseok was shocked. Yoongi was too close to him, and it's surprising how some words coming from him can shush him off.

"W-why?" It took some great courage to say that. "Why are you saying this?"

Yoongi seemed to be looking at the younger very closely, and he kept on staring at the other.

"Because, I like you"

"I like you t-" Hoseok was about to nod his head to that, but stopped when he understood what it meant.

"You? Y-you like m-me, Yoonie?" Hoseok was confused.

"I don't want to talk about it!" The older stomped off, leaving Hoseok behind.

"Yoongi!" After some minutes of squinting here and there, Hoseok stood in front of Yoongi.

"Whatever you said, was it true?"

"I didn't mean to say that, okay?" The older continues walking.

"And, about the day you- you k-kissed me?"

"Forget about that. It's nothing"

It's nothing to you? Hoseok stood there.

And, on the other hands, their mothers smile at each other.

"Maybe our 'trip' together wasn't a bad idea" They smiled
A/N : The update came in late and this chapter wasn't really good so, sorry for that!

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