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"Home sweet home." John said in the most horrible French accent when he opened the door to his house. I entered and shrugged off my coat, taken back by the decorations. Surely John wasn't the one who must've decorated it. He didn't strike me as that type and most certainly not a Nagel paintings type. Just the style in general couldn't be John's work.
"Nick had a say in this, didn't he?" I asked, gesturing to the living room and the paintings.
"Bold of you to assume I don't have taste in decoration." He replied sassily with his arms crossed. "It was me.... and Nick." He added.
I chuckled. "I knew it!

John took my coat from me and hung it up on the rack, together with his own. He gestured for me to enter the living room and I shyly sat down on the sofa. It was still a bit strange to be in his house and I even felt a bit nervous to be in his presence again. Who knows what had changed since 1980? We both grew up and weren't teenagers anymore. We were adults now, possibly with completely different looks on life.

"Can I make you a cuppa?" He asked, standing up to leave for the kitchen. I nodded gladly and thanked him before he disappeared. It was the perfect opportunity for me to look around his house. It was fancy, but he obviously had a lot of money. He was a celebrity now after all.
I got up from the sofa and quietly strolled through his home. Besides the big television and the stereo set with loads of records, there were some picture frames on the big TV cabinet too. I picked one of them up to see an old picture of John with his parents. It must've been around the time when I first met him. He was wearing his big glasses and looking into the camera with a slight smile curled on his lips. The other one was of him and some girl, but I didn't think too much of it. I was never one to become jealous without a reason. I mean, John was allowed to have contact with other women too. I just bloody met him again, I didn't know if he was seeing anyone. Though that would've been sour towards me. He wasn't bringing me to his home for nothing.

"You like it in here?" He asked as he returned with two cups of tea. I quickly set the frame back down on the cabinet and nodded, sitting down on the sofa again and thanking him for the tea.
"Thank you too, love." He smiled, pulling me close to him. I leaned against him on the sofa as we sat in complete silence, occasionally sipping our tea.

"Can I put on a song?" I asked, nodding my head toward the record player. John smiled, gesturing for me to go ahead. I got up and kneeled down by the records that were neatly stacked next to each other. I trailed my finger along each one of them, reading the names until I found the record of my desire. It stopped at Roxy Music's Avalon and I pulled the vinyl out, putting the needle on at a particular song. John was curiously looking at me to see what I had put on, but his eyes widened as soon as While My Heart Is Still Beating began filling the silence in the room. I grinned softly, sitting down next to him again. He shook his head, pulling me up to stand with him and taking my hand in his, while he slung the other around my waist. I hummed at his idea and rested my head on his shoulder, my arm also around his waist. We slowly swayed along to the music and I closed my eyes, feeling so safe and content in his arms. We both mouthed the words to the lyrics and even kept on dancing when side A had finished and the needle returned to its holder.
I yawned, holding my hand in front of my mouth and John pulled back at the loss of my hand in his and the signs of me becoming tired.

"I know it's still early, but how about we go upstairs and get some sleep?" He suggested and I nodded gladly. He brought the empty cups to the kitchen and turned off the lights, pulling me along up the stairs. I followed him into his bedroom and John turned around, scratching the back of his neck.
"I don't know if you're comfortable sharing a bed. I can sleep somewhere else if you'd like."
I shook my head. "No, I'm perfectly fine next to you."
He nodded with a grin and handed me one of his shirts that he pulled out of his closet. "Here's something more comfortable to sleep in. I'll be in the bathroom to brush my teeth so you can change." He pecked my cheek and left for the bathroom. I quickly changed into his oversized shirt and left my clothing on the chair in the corner of the room. I pulled the neck of his shirt to my nose to inhale his scent and groaned ever so softly at his scent. He smelled so good.

"When you're done sniffing my shirt, you can brush your teeth. I have a spare tootbrush for you." John interrupted me, looking at me with a smug grin on his face. Oh, how much he enjoyed that. I got up with a blush on my cheeks and fled into the bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. I was going to share a bed with John Taylor.
Nigel freaking John Taylor.

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