A message for Tron

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'People's thoughts'

"Speech", Cyrus' broadcast

Hi guys I'm on break from College at the minute and thought I needed to do another chapter as I have left it for a while (AGAIN) this does have a lot of speech in this chapter, but that is because it is more about Zed and Mara meeting Tron for the first time and finding out all the life or death missions Beck has done. I wanna say thank you to those who keep coming back to read this story even if I take forever to update it, so yeah enjoy this chapter xxx

(Mara's Pov)

Sitting in Able's car I wait in silent anticipation for what's to come, 'Where is Able taking us? I thought we were going to help Beck....' Pushing myself up in the sit I lean forward impatient to get some answers "Able we just told you that Beck has been captured why are we driving in the middle of no where instead of finding a way to -" Before I could finish my sentence Able turns a sharp corner abruptly before replying to my protest "we are going to get help Mara from the only program I know that can.... that's if he's stable at the moment" Sharing a worried glance with Zed I feel my nerves start to kick in at the thought of who we were about to see.

(No one Pov)

Pulling up to the edge of a cave the three programs stepped out the car and began to trek the rocky path to a cave entrance. Able walks up to a secret keypad and types in a password. As they walk down the hall the silence engulfs the two young programs as they enter a huge chamber. A desk and a couple of screens stand in front of a window while a glowing cubicle stands at the back near the entrance, both are on a high plat form.

(Mara's Pov)

Staring out the window at the desert land and beyond it Argon, I start to wonder what Beck was doing all the way out here that could get him into this much trouble, answering my queries is the form of a program stepping out of the glowing light 'Is that Tron?!!' Realising there was people in the room Tron grabs Zed into a headlock before Able could explain what was going on "Tron calm down its Able, we know where Beck is!" Looking around the room seeing Able and myself Tron releases Zed before walking up to Able.

"Where is Beck and why have you brought his friends here? your putting their lives in danger" Looking over between the programs in worry I feel a nudge on my shoulder, turning my head I see Zed giving me a warm smile of encouragement before looking back at Able and Tron's conversation, feeling happy with having zed close for comfort I start to pay attention as well.

"They found out themselves Tron, Mara saw Cyrus kidnap Beck behind the garage there was little else I could do, other than bring them here." Thinking in contemplation Tron walks over to one of the screens "What are you doing?" Walking closer to Tron I look at the screen as he rapidly types "I'm searching for any recent broadcasts, if Beck has been taking like you claim then Cyrus would leave me a message" Standing next to Able, Zed speaks up for the first time since we got here "Isn't this the same guy that kidnapped me and Mara.... makes a lot of sense if Beck is the Renegade, but why wouldn't he tell us" A sigh escapes Tron as he finds what he was searching for before pressing play he gives Zed a thoughtful look "The reason Beck didn't tell you anything was because I wouldn't let him, you two knowing his identity would put you in danger and Beck wanted to do everything in his power to ensure that never happened. Now lets see what Cyrus has to say"

Holding Zed's hand in support and understanding of how he's feeling about Beck I turn my attention to the video as Tron clicks play, not knowing what's going to happen next:

The video starts up in a bare room with green luminescent light, in the middle of it is a changed up Beck dressed in the renegade outfit and a helmet covering his face, Cyrus enters the room and stands to the left of Beck looking smug as he speaks, "Hello programs of Argon, today General Tesler has captured the traitor known as Renegade, however he is not the only program trying to ruin Argon. So now I talk to the master behind the puppet - Tron, if you want to save the Renegade come to the games and hand yourself in, if not-" walking around him and reaching his hand towards Beck's back the program removes his disk. Cyrus gives a sinister smile before continuing "The renegade might not remember who he even is" Moving to the front of the screen once again Cyrus finishes his speech "If you think I'm bluffing here's all the proof you need" grabbing Becks wrist reveals the layer of coding that was seen earlier at the garage struggling in pain Beck head falls to his chest and doesn't move again. "You have the rest of the cycle Tron" The screen goes to black.

Standing in silence I look on with a shock of horror, it really was Beck that coding on the renegades wrists its the exact same as Becks when he helped Zed up at the Garage, "what are we going to do now guys" glancing over at Zed, I see that look in his eyes the look when he knows I'm upset "Don't worry Mara we have Able and now Tron to help us get Beck back and when we do he better give me my bike back!" Giggling at Zed's antics I watch him go to lean against the table, and end up slipping to the floor, by doing so Zed open a file of videos full of Beck on missions.

"Is this what Beck's been doing every time he's disappeared? How are we seeing this?" Seeing a pained look in Tron's eyes makes me feel uneasy, "These videos are all Beck's memories as the Renegade, we had them separated to keep his identity safe from all the disk searches, if Cyrus has taken his disk we will have to use the one here to keep Beck from going stray.... again" Zed jumps up from the floor in shock "What do you mean Beck has gone stray AGAIN!" while this is going on I spot a video of Beck first meeting Cyrus and the battle that ensured between them. Then one of him Fighting General Teslar, one were he is stuck on a degrading island with Paige, and countless others where Beck is fighting, fighting for the grid. Having enough of the arguments around me I slam my fist on the table to get the three programs attention, "I dont care what Beck has done or not done, what I care about is that our friend has been risking his life to protect us, protecting the Grid from Telser and his armies, now Tron whats our next move to getting Beck back and safe?" A glint of admiration fills Trons eyes before he looks back at Able and Zed picking up his disk and putting it on his back, Tron replies "Alright Mara, let's go get Beck back"

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