• Sports Fest Pt.2 •

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I needed to choose a group for the cavalry battle, but who should I pair with? I need to find people that my quirk is compatible with.

People all around me were forming a group fast so I had to choose someone quickly. That was until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Y-Y/n..." A nervous voice stuttered. I turned around to see Deku.

"Oh, uh hey, Deku!"

"Would you be a part of my group? It's just me and Urakaka but we also plan on asking Tokoyami..."

Great. I need a group but is it a good idea to be paired with him? Together we have the most points! I guess I don't really have a choice though...

"...Sure." I said reluctantly.

Deku thanked me and smiled then went to go ask Tokoyami to join us.


"Here comes the starting signal!" Ms. Midnight's voice rang throughout the stadium.

I went over our points in my head.

Team Midoriya:
• Uraraka - 135 p
• Tokoyami - 180 p
• Y/n - 205 p
• Midoriya - 10,000,000 p
Total: 10,000,520 p

"Uraraka!" Deku yelled.






"Let's do this!"


Immediately teams started running our way.

"Hah hah hah! We're coming for you, Midoriya!" Hakagure laughed.

"Incoming attacks right off the bat...there are two teams." Tokoyami deadpanned. "The fate of those who are pursued...make your choice, Midoriya!"

"Run away, of course!" Deku said pointing in another direction.

All of a sudden goo surrounded our feet and we started sinking.

"Urakaka! Y/n!" Deku yelled.

"On it!" I said back.

Urakaka made us weightless and I used the air to lift us upwards.

Once we were in the air jirou's earphone jacks came towards us but Dark Shadow swatted them off.

"Nicely done, Dark Shadow!" I said complementing him

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"Nicely done, Dark Shadow!" I said complementing him. Dark Shadow had a small blush on his cheeks and smiled.

Slowly, I lowered us to the ground.

"Phew..." I said inhaling and exhaling quickly.

"Good job, Y/n! You're doing great!" Deku said smiling.

"I Know You Need Me, Dumbass" (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now