Jacqui's Grand Masterpiece

14 3 0

October 31, 2019

9:10 p.m.

Nathan sat there, hugging himself, as he grieved for his fiancée and unborn child. Hot tears dripped down his face, his breath shuddering as sob after sob choked him. He could hear his friends, Luigi and Gadd trying to comfort him, but he was barely consolable. His future had been violently ripped from him, all in the name of what the Boos considered "good fun".

Vicky's feed was still running, showing her eviscerated body tied to her bed, and everyone could hear the faint screams of the castle's other occupants as the Boos attacked them. Morbid cackling also filled the air, and upbeat party music played throughout, serving to add to the horror. As the minutes passed, the screams quieted, and Nathan could feel his stomach beginning to fall out of his posterior as he put two and two together.

When the last scream faded, there was another round of cackling before Vicky's feed was booted from the chat.

Vicky—game over. 3:D

Nathan's head fell into his hands.

The "default user" icon reappeared, signifying King Boo's return to the Skype chat.

This is one of those life-altering moments, he typed. Do I have your full and undivided attention?

"Yes," Nathan said dully.

Vicky lost Round 1, but the game isn't over yet. Who's up for Round 2? 3:D

"God help us," said Elegant.

He's not listening right now, Elegant. As of right now, *I* am your God. My power and mere pleasure is keeping your beloved Luigi alive, after all.

"What has he done to you?" Jacqui suddenly lashed out, "besides suck you up in a vacuum? If anything, that was your fault!"

"Jacqui..." Gadd spoke in a warning tone.

"Well, it's true!" balked Jacqui. Glaring at King Boo's feed, she continued, "You should've known the risks when you allied yourself with the Koopa King! And you put Luigi on the warpath when you directly antagonized Mario! Did you really think Luigi would let his fears overpower him and abandon his big brother! Well, shame on you!"

Are you saying I was asking for it, Jacqui? That I wanted to be sealed in a painting for twelve years and then stuck in a vault for five more?

"Getting sucked into the Poltergust was all on you!" Jacqui said hotly. "Luigi's friends had nothing to do with that!"

So, you are saying that I asked for it.

"Oh, don't even try to play the victim here!" spat Jacqui. "You put Mario and Luigi through a lot of b.s., okay? Even after eighteen years, they still have nightmares about it, and the stunt you pulled in 2013 certainly didn't help! When are you just gonna let it go, huh?"

"Jacqui, settle down," said Luigi.

"I have no intention of settling down!" snapped Jacqui. "This psychopath had his minions stab a pregnant woman to death in front of me, and he's forcing us to play some twisted game! Well, guess what, King Boo, I'm tired of this game—so let's play a new game. My rules, not yours. Either you let Mario, Peach and the Toads go right now, or I'm gonna march right over to that hotel and knock the trash from your ears. How's that for a game?"

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