Brown Snake

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After hours of sitting on the floor, my bum was becoming numb.
All the literature was taking its toll and I could feel a headache forming at the base of my skull. Still, I turned the page of my notebook and began writing at the top of the page. Although once pristine, it was now well worn, folded and creased in so many places, it looked as if it were decades old—rather than just months.
If you fall behind, you die.
My encouraging mantra had kept me going these past few months. There wasn't enough time to learn things from the beginning when I entered the knight academy. If I did, I would be average.
Average wouldn't get me a place in the expedition.
Not that anyone else knew a war was coming. But I had to use this knowledge to my advantage. It was the only thing I had.
I had to hit the ground running when I entered this academy. I already had a weakness which I couldn't change.
I was a girl.
That had to be my only weakness.
I wouldn't let anyone beat me when it came to strength and mind.
I had to be first.
Screw humility, I was going to make them accept me. I had no other options.
Still, the more notes I wrote, the more I began to feel lost.
In truth, I didn't know what I didn't know. What more could I do?
After a brief pause, my hand hovering over the paper, a thought came to me. But there is someone who does.
Without hesitation, I stood up, the mounds of books on my lap falling to the floor with their pages whispering through the air. Rolling my neck to work out the crick, I strode forward towards the doors that led to the main wing.
I didn't hesitate now.
It felt good.
I had stopped caring about what others thought. If Kael was going to kill me, he would have done so already. But he hadn't.
I might as well use that to my advantage while I could.
As I stalked through the hallways, I charged through one of the many doors and froze when I saw some people in the main foyer.
The marble floor was like an expanse before us as they turned my way.
There was a women with soft brown hair that gleamed in the light. She wore a soft lavender dress that appeared to glide around her.  It was lavishly trimmed, with a low neckline and sumptuous fabric that had a train behind her with detailed floral embroidery. Her shoulders had a cut, exposing her shoulders and was trimmed in deep lace flounce. In her hair, was a flower brooch of matte gold, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and a carved emerald. Her hand also had a Joséphine Aigrett Impériale ring, set with a pear-shaped emerald, matching her hair piece.
It wasn't extravagant, but at the same time it oozed wealth.
She was a person who knew exactly how to use her money.
But her accessories, along with the crest on her bodice, made her to be one person.
The Queen.
Mother of the second prince.
It was said that the Empress had hair as gold as the sun—a trait that the Crown Prince had inherited.
A shiver ran down my body when I noticed that she had been in the middle of giving her shawl to the butler.
Why is the Queen here?!
I desperately tried to cover my internal panic with a poker face.
When she looked at me, she gave me a soft smile. "Oh look Aster, she has come to greet us. Why not come out now?"
For a moment, I was confused, until I saw someone come out from behind her. A boy with dull, dirty blonde hair.
The second prince.
Great, it's flower boy. Nyx's disdain was hard to miss.
I didn't know how to respond.
A curtsy?
Ha, he's on our turf. Why should we bow? Nyx's response made my body freeze up in hesitation.
I guess my etiquette lessons surrounding this had been omitted purely based on the fact that never in anyone's wildest dreams, did they expect the Queen to come here.
Aster surprised me by bowing first. "Forgive me for last time, Lady DeVillanova, I knew not who you were."
So you're just a dick to everyone who doesn't have status? Charming.
Nyx cackled.
I was still unsure. "Just Edythe is fine." I felt uncomfortable being addressed as 'Lady DeVillanova'. It was too foreign.
Upon my lack of response, I noticed the Queen's eyes narrow momentarily before giving a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Don't be so modest Edythe, your brothers have quite the reputation at the academy. Surely DeVillanova is something to be proud of, no?"
I swallowed. I don't remember saying you could call me Edythe.
"Of course." I felt that short answers were safer with this woman. Her eyes were so calculating that I felt as if she would be able to twist any words that came out of my mouth.
She walked closer and cocked her head. "Ah, they are indeed the eyes of a DeVillanova. So refreshing."
That was the first time I had ever heard anyone describe my eyes that way. I wasn't too sure what to make of it. I remained silent.
"Not only are your eyes like your father, but your mannerisms as well. "
Again, I said nothing, while internally, I was panicking. Luckily, I was young and could get away with being silent.
"Aster would be a great match for you, I'm sure."
Her sudden suggestion made me glance over at Aster in shock. He seemed to be more like a statue, his face portraying no emotion.
My mind was reeling. Nonononononono. I can't get engaged to him. I can't follow the novel's plot. I've only just managed to get away from it!
With a slight step back, I curtsied. "I thank you,  Your Highness, but I am only ten and have no interest in finding a partner."
I had to shut her down and leave no room for ambiguity.
She must have not been expecting me to say that, because for the first time, she dropped her smile. "You would be wise to consider my offer."
Her cold aura made my skin prickle, but I couldn't back down now. "There is no need Your Highness, I am not in want of a partner."
My words made a crack appear in her perfect facade as she gave me a stare that could cause hell to freeze over. It felt as if icy claws were around my neck and a chunk of ice had been placed in my stomach.
That was when I realised, I was standing before a snake.
If I were a normal kid, I probably might not have realised her eyes turn to slits, but I definitely would have recognised the threatening aura she exuded as she took a step towards me, reaching out her hand–
"You majesty."
I had never been more relieved to hear that voice in my life.
From the other end of the room, Kael appeared.
The Queen retracted her hand, her face once again resuming her perfect smile.
It was as if what had happened only moments ago was just a dream.
"I would appreciate it if you stepped away from my daughter."
My heart fluttered again. He was using that word so casually now that I didn't know what to think.
The Queen gave a light-hearted laugh. "Nonsense, we were just having an enlightening conversation, no?"
Her side glance at me made me squirm. But I didn't want to push this lady's buttons any further than I already had. After all, she needed me.
"Your Majesty flatters me."
I wasn't going to deny her words, but I wasn't going to accept them either.
Aster appeared lost, as any ten year old boy would. I almost felt sorry for him having a mother like that.
Then I remembered who my father was.
I guess we both had our own struggles.
Kael tilted his head to the side, his dark hair strands falling in front of his eyes as he gave the Queen a stare fifty times colder than what she had given me.
As he stared at her, his eyes flicked over to mine and he held his hand out.
Without hesitation, I escaped the Queen and tried my best not to run to him. As I drew closer, I was about to stand beside him, when he took my hand.
Immediately, the cold feeling around my neck and in the pit of my stomach dissipated.
My muscles relaxed and I felt as if I could breathe again.
I was about to let go of his hand, but he held it tight as he focused on the Queen with eyes as dead as his soul.
"There will be no business here."
The Queen brought Aster to her side. "You have yet to hear my generous offer."
"No need." Kael's words were clipped. "I'll have the butler see you out."
For a moment, the Queen was quiet. "It would do you well to remember where your loyalties lie–"
In an instant, it felt as if the light had been sucked out of the room and all white noise had been muted. Kael's words pierced through the darkness. "It would do you well to remember, my loyalties lie with the Emperor, not the Queen."
The Queen raised her chin, but I could see the sweat forming on her brow. I was almost impressed at her bravery, standing before a demon.
The blood thirsty aura surrounding Kael took my breath away as he spoke with words calmer than still water. "The Emperor realises the dangers of provoking a demon. My tolerance wears thin when people arrive unannounced. Have you so easily forgotten one of the cardinal rules?"
Her skin was becoming more pale as the room continued to darken, with shadows stretching across the floor.
I could hardly believe my eyes as the shadows moved as if they had life of their own. It was easy to tell that Kael was pissed.
Aster, on the other hand, looked as if he was about to cry and drop dead.
Kael's eyes became a radiant red. "Whatever happens within my territory, stays within my territory."
The Queen took a step back, true fear on her face. "You wouldn't dare. I am royalty."
I was smug.
Nyx practically thrived when darkness and death were involved, yet she disliked the Queen just as much as me. Suck it, bitch.
Truer words had never been spoken.
"Perhaps you should have discussed this with your husband before carelessly coming here of your own accord." Kael gave a cold smile as a shadow reached out to the hem of her dress. "I have been granted amnesty for any who dares to enter my territory without my permission."
Her face turned white as she recognised his meaning. Quickly, she took a step back. "Aster. We're leaving."
The shadows retracted and light returned to the room. My body was buzzing from the confrontation.
Of course, Kael had won.
He was still holding my hand and not breaking eye contact with the Queen. He had an emotionless look that said, if I felt like it, I could kill you right now.
Within seconds, the butler was there to show the Queen out. She didn't even look back.
After a few seconds, I pulled my hand away. He let go of my hand without resistance and continued to stare at the doors the Queen had just exited.
She had left, but I knew this wasn't over.
Her demeanour felt like someone who wouldn't go down without a fight.
Much to my advantage, I knew why she was here. Kudos to the novel.
She was trying to form an official engagement between me and the second prince.
In the novel, I had assumed it to be because Edythe had fallen in love with Aster.
Yet, despite the fact that I had only met him once and had never once portrayed liking him, the Queen had still come to try and form an official engagement before I had become of age.
Clearly, she wouldn't be giving up anytime soon. Yet, the moment she left with Kael rejecting her offer, I felt myself become a bit giddy.
This was the first clear evidence that things weren't playing out as in the novel. The first clear sign that perhaps I could avoid my horrible fate.
With Kael beside me, I felt myself smile.

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