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Our revered late president Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual".There are hundreds of teachers grooming the future of our nation in classrooms today but there is something amiss in our education system. We are able to produce thousands of engineers, doctors, lawyers, economists etc but are we able to shape responsible and compassionate citizens. The answer is a big no.The very edifice of our country has been compassion, affection,modesty and tolerance but unfortunately in the 21st century we are failing in our duties and responsibility as a teacher.
The time is ripe to adopt the humanitarian method of teaching. This method calls for a teacher to start early when a child steps into the temple of learning called school.Let teaching not be bound within the four walls of a classroom.Every nook and corner of  the state we reside in is replete with the needy people who are in dire need of love and care.A teacher can play an integral role in integrating the daily lessons with the lessons of compassion by keeping the following in mind.
1.Celebrate inclusion
2.Take on a cause
3.Self-care lessons
4.Teaching by doing
Manifesting the magic of compassion within the four walls of your classroom may not always be an easy task but it is a darn worthy one.Thus a teacher may teach her students about the pros and cons of bias, diversity and social justice through stories, familiar examples and problem solving.Flexible seating and student- centred classroom redesign can be adopted instead of the traditional classroom layout.Lighten and brighten the mood of the students by keeping them close to nature.Plants will add colourful and calming effect to the room and ambience of the school.When we take the time to soften our classroom with lighting hacks, plant life, beautiful and interesting objects, we are breaking the monotony of a conventional classroom.Once  you have made the elementary preparation you need to take the next step by adopting a cause and by enabling the students to cross the boundary of the classroom.
It is a bliss to be competent enough to take up a cause even if it is a simple one. Depending on the age and understanding of the learners the choice needs to be made
judiciously.Taking up a cause  benefits a child in innumerable ways such as
a.Teaches authenticity
b.Makes young ones life long learners
c.Builds empathy and compassion
d.Ingrains positivity
The students can for example take up a cause of helping the elderly by spending time with them twice in a week.In the process they build supportive relationship.Few activities can be taken up to develop mutuality and social awareness.Students can be given a simple task of quenching the thirst of say 10 elderly people and in the process be taught the importance of conserving water.Kids can be taken to care centre more often. Most of the time, people in oldie homes and care enters just need a friend or someone to talk to.This way you teach your students the value of spending quality time with their grandparents Genuine praise for tasks completed with enthusiasm, asking questions about their day, sharing with them tidbits from your or others life are an excellent way to make children happy and feel motivated.When a student acts out or fails to complete the task assigned, it is a reflection of problems in their lives and a teacher needs to be compassionate and patient
The sky is the limit if a teacher makes up her/his mind to adopt the humanitarian method of teaching.All you need to do is help your children realise that helping others is important and rewarding.Lecturing your students may not always work so you need to be involved with your students and thus shape their personality to be amenable .Young learners are the future of tomorrow and nurturing them into good human beings will be the greatest service to humanity thereby gifting them with one of the most splendid legacy .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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