Chapter Forty: Under Control

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After a really nice lunch at Ashton's, Draco headed off to the last shop he wanted to go to, before meeting me back at Flourish and Blott's. From there, we wandered around a few of the streets of wizarding London — Diagon Alley, Horizont Alley, and Carkitt Market — and bought a few more things for ourselves that we were certain Mother and Father wouldn't have got for us.

At one point, Draco tried to convince me to go down Knockturn Alley with him, but I managed to dissuade him, reminding him of Father's express command for us not to set foot down there without either himself or Mother. Although the name of Malfoy commanded respect from a lot of the people who lived, worked, and shopped in Knockturn, Draco and I had been warned that some people who frequented the street would much rather use the two of us to get money out of Mother and Father ('or worse', whatever that meant).

When it eventually started to get dark, the two of us Flooed home, with Draco carrying all the things I'd bought (except my present for him) to make sure Father didn't question how I'd bought it all with the small amount of money I'd taken out of my satchel. We went straight to our rooms, where we hid the presents — and for me, all of the other things I'd bought as well. Then, as was our night-before-Winter-Ball tradition, Draco came over to my room, and we called Dobby to get us a plate of dinner each. Tonight, he returned with a large roast dinner for Draco, and a much smaller and significantly more vegetable-focused version of it for me.

"Is this all you can give me, Dobby?" I asked, a slight sigh escaping my lips as I took the plate.

"Dobby apologises to Mistress Pandora," Dobby said, in his squeaky voice. "Master Lucius told Dobby that Mistress Pandora was to be given this and nothing else tonight." His bat-like ears drooped as he said this, and he began to back away, wringing his hands. "Dobby is truly sorry for that, Miss."

Draco opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off.

"Don't worry about it, Dobby; it's not your fault. And thanks for the food," I said, giving him a grateful smile.

Dobby bowed deeply. "Is there anything else Dobby can do for Master Draco or Mistress Pandora?"

"Nope, that's all for now, thanks."

He bowed again, then disapparated with a slight crack!

Draco turned to me, frowning slightly, but I put my hand up to stop him saying what I knew he was going to say — a question about why I treated Dobby with kindness.

"I'm really not in the mood, Dray," I said, as I began to eat. "We've had this conversation about a thousand times already."

After that, we more or less ate our dinner in silence, though it was a much more comfortable silence than the one that had hung in the air over our dinner with Mother and Father the previous evening. A few times, one of us said something stupid to make the other laugh, but other than that, we were perfectly happy to be in each other's company but with our own thoughts.

Mine soon turned to what would be happening the following day — the Winter Ball. Even the thought of it caused anxiety to rise up in me. What would happen? How would all the Purebloods react to the blood-traitor, tradition-wrecking Malfoy?

I'll just have to wait and see.


One hour until the Winter Ball.

My anxiety was already really bad, and it was only worsened when Mother came over, the telltale signs of worry on her face, and said one sentence that sent pure fear through me.

"Pandora, Lucius wants to talk to you in his study."

Trembling, I made my way upstairs, to the room I was only ever allowed into if I was in trouble. I knocked twice, then waited in silence.

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