Someone roasted you

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Someone roasted you. Did you roast them or someone else roasted them for you. Also what was the roast?

You were hanging out with Leo and Sagittarius until a girl walked up to Leo. She told Leo that her friends only use her for popularity. Sagittarius scoffed but you said, " Oh please the only friend you have is an automated message. And even then they hang up." You swear you could hear Hanako and Kou laughing.

You were hanging out with Gemini and Capricorn until you and a guy started arguing. Telling you that your going straight to hell but Gemini came in and said, " Oh really well their in hell talking to you." Nene wrote that down because she thought it was good.

You were hanging out with Taurus and Capricorn. A rude guy came up to Taurus and started saying that they'll go to hell. So you said, " Oh really well their in hell talking to you." You saw at the corner of your eye Nene writing something down.

Your were hanging out with Scorpio and Pisces and someone told Pisces that you were ugly. So Scorpio and Pisces slapped the person and you said, " Oh honey not even a blind grandma could say your pretty." You could hear Akane in the background going "OOOO".

You were hanging out with Aries and Capricorn until someone came up to you. They said your friends only use you for popularity. Sagittarius scoffed but Aries said, " Oh please the only friend you have is an automated message and even then they hang up." You treated them with their favorite fast-food place.

You were hanging out with Libra and Aquarius when someone started to insult Libra. Saying that they should call pest control because Libra a rat. Aquarius was about to through a book at them but you said, " I've been with Libra long enough to know their not a mirror." Y'all laughed and the girl went home crying.

You were hanging out with Aquarius and Virgo when someone started to insult you. Saying they should call pest control because your a rat. Aquarius was about to throw a heavy book at their face but Virgo said, " I've been with Libra long enough to know their not a mirror." The girl went home crying and you kinda took a picture.

You were hanging out with Cancer and Pisces when someone told Cancer, their ugly. You and Pisces slapped them when Cancer said, " Oh honey not even a blind grandma could say your pretty." You could hear Tsuchgomori open a window and say, " THAT'S MY FUCKING CHILD!" He said proudly.

You were hanging out with Aries and Leo someone came up to Leo and said people only use then for popularity. You scoffed trying to hold yourself back but Aries said, " The only friend you have is an automated message. And even then they hang up." You laughed your ass of and got to eat your favorite place.

You were hanging out with Taurus and Gemini when someone started saying Taurus will go to hell. The two argued and then Gemini said, " Oh really their going to hell well their in hell talking to you."

Your were hanging out with Libra and Virgo when Someone insulted Libra. Saying they should call pet control because their a rat. You honestly were about to throw a book at them but Virgo said, " I've been with Libra long enough to know their not a mirror." The girl went crying and Libra took a pic. You asked if they could send it to you.

You were hanging out with Cancer and Scorpio when someone told Caner their ugly. You and Scorpio slapped them and Cancer said, " Oh honey not even a blind grandma could say your pretty." You laughed and laughed at her reaction. It was priceless.

( Sorry this took so long I was trying to figure out good roasts.)

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