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Morning eventually came as you lifted your body upward.

You were alone as expected.

Still chained to a nearby bar, you yanked yourself closer to the door.

Even in daylight the room had been overwhelming.

The chains were uncomfortable to sleep with to say the least but it wasn't like you had a choice.

Three days past and each time you opened your eyes, you still seemed to stay in your desired reality.

Not that you were complaining but, it had been a little concerning that you hadn't left yet.

Perhaps it was the feeling of lust that kept you there.

Maybe even love.

You didn't want to go. Not yet.

You grew hungry and your joints began to ache.

It had been a cramped room and with all the chains, you found it difficult to grasp even an hour of a goodnight sleep.

It felt as if you were on the verge of death.

Isolation was your greatest fear.

Not to mention you were three days without your phone.

Though you had no intentions of breaking any time soon.

You were in your desired reality after all.

If it meant being chained up to get that d you were more than willing to comply.

It felt like hours as you sat rotting in your concrete cell.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors swung open once again.

"Fei-" You begun.

Machi stood at the doorway her arms folded and her usual sneer.

She quirked an eyebrow.

"Already on nickname basis?" She scoffed.

"Damn hoe if you let me finish-" You mumbled under your breath.

"Get up let's get you clothes." She huffed as she approached you closer.

It was obvious your presence was only a nuisance to her.

She unlocked the cuffs from your wrists as she eyed the bruises formed around them.

She only smirked.

"You've got twenty minutes to shower, clean up, and get dressed." She instructed following you closely behind.

"I literally shower for twenty minutes." You pursed your lips.

"Come down naked for all I care. Twenty minutes is more than generous."

"You know what- I might just do that." You sneer.

Considering you were kidnapped having the privilege to clean yourself is a blessing but they were terrible people and they were doing the absolute bare minimum.

Pretty privilege.

You followed Machi barefoot onto the upper floor as she lead you into a room.

"What in the fifty shades of grey?" You whimpered biting down on your lip to conceal yourself from your plausible fit of laughter.

The room looked like Satan's asshole.
But you fucked with the vibes on the down low.

The walls were dark with disturbing paintings covering most of the wall space. Satanic statues were placed in the corners of the room with a book shelf filled to the room with old books.
Few rotting plants, A king sized victorian bed frame with a black satin bed spread and a victorian styled wallpaper that had begun to peel. It was as if dark academia had sex with the devil himself.

It definitely resembled a witches lair but it had class.

"Cute." You nod making eye contact with the skull sitting on top of a few books.

You weren't too sure if it had been real but it didn't matter because it looked cool.

"Ayo Machi you definitely got a bondage kink." You mumbled muffling in a few chuckles.

"Showers on the left change of clothes on the bed." She rolled her eyes disregarding your statement completely before walking out and closing the door behind her.

Your eyes roamed around the room for a little longer before slipping off your clothes and setting them aside. You dragged the towel behind you as you made your way.

Turning on the shower, you let the hot water scorch your skin as it ran down your back.

You tilted your head to allow the rain to burble down your face.

You slicked your hair back as your body finally relaxed.


Feitan maneuvered to his room. Almost immediately he felt a presence.

Cautiously, he wrapped his fingers around the doorknob to twist it and swung the door open slowly without so much as a creak.

He stood head to toe drenched in blood. He wasn't able to truly torture a being in a long time. So he was in a good mood to say the least.

He heard water run down the drains as he stood at the doorway quietly closing it behind him.

Perhaps he ran the shower before torturing his victim.

Sliding off his latex gloves, he threw them to the floor along with his apron. He slumped onto the bed as he burrowed his face into his satin black pillows.

He let out a small groan as he pulled himself up.

Suddenly, a small piece of fabric caught his eye.

He dragged his body closer to the edge as he eyed the small assortment of clothing.

They had been folded neatly.

They belonged to a girls.

He grew embarrassed as he linked his finger through your undergarments and lifted them up.

He couldn't help but feel all tingly inside. He clenched his jaw to maintain a monotone expression.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on. Though he couldn't quite explain why he felt like this.

Suddenly, he got off the bed to the sound of the bathroom door knob twisting.

SLAUGHTERHOUSE- F. Portor & C. Lucilfer x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now