Part 4 °.William's Death.°

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Winifred's (First Oc's) Pov:

I waited outside for my brother, but he didn't came...
It were almost more then 4 hours left since he was gone, and still no sign of him.
,,Damn it, I can't wait more!
Its already dark and he won't find his way outside of the woods, I need to go and find him!"
I grabed my fathers jacket and started running towards the woods.
,,William, William where are you?!"
I yelled and made my way towards the river, where he always went fishing with father.
As I arived, I saw nothing, nothing only the trees and the moon what was  the only light for me at this cold night.
I let myself fall down to the ground and screamed after William.
But still no asnwer.
Then it hit me.

Maybe he is at the river where we always played the witch game!
Yes, thats it!

I stood up and made my way towards the river.
As I arived, I felt my blood froze in my veins, my body started shaking and the whole world disappeared around me.
My lips started to trembel till I felt the hot tears falling down my cheeks like a strong waterfall.
I screamed in agony and fell again on my knees.
I huged myseld thightly and screamed my brothers name over and over again, till I grawled towards him and hugged him close to my chest.
I felt his blood droppin on my jacked and looked at my hands, what were also covered in blood.
I cryed louder and hugged him again, snuggling onto his neck screaming his name of the top of my lungs.


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