Part 8 °.Elizabeth.°

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In the mortal world

Elizabeth's (Your) Pov:

I walked around the lake our mansion, reading a book till I heard that my father came back.
I smiled in joy and started to run back.
As I arived, I could already hear my parents arguating about the ball what will happen tomorow.
,,But darlin!
Don't you realize what I'm talking about?"
,,Not really, my dear."
,,Well, that our dear darlin Elizabeth will finally find a man for herself and marry him!"
,,Oh please."
My father moaned in annoyance from my mothers behavior and I chuckled.
Yes, I'm a unmarried woman, but my mother takes this in my opinion too seriously.
Of course if I want to live a perfect life, then I have to marry someone.
But actually, this wasn't really my dream.
The people were already pointing at me, so I didn't take them on my heart so much.
I'm used to them.

,,But my love!
This is serious!
She needs to find a husband, who will..."
,,WHO, will treat her with respect, love and pride!
Most importantly my dear.
I don't want our daughter getting married to a man who would handel her like dirt."
My father told her and started to walk towards the door.
I jumped backwards and wanted to run away from the door, but too late.
Because my father did already open the door and he flinched a little bit back.
,,My dear lord!
Lizy you scared me!"
I giggled.
,,I'm sorry father, my curiousity was too bad this time."
He smiled.
,,No matter, but I think we'll have to go to this ball.
You know, your mother..."
,,Of course father, don't worry, I'm used to this.
If I find someone, maybe I will marry him if I'll know him better, but if not then not."
I smiled and he smiled back.
,,Of course. "
,,I'm going back to my room."
,,Okay sweety."
My father told me and I headed back towards my room.
I let myself fall on the bed and closed my eyes with a small smile.

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