chapter | 7

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So maybe hiking wasn't Dream's strength, but he was adequately prepared for today. George was already out and downstairs while Dream changed into swimming shorts and a plain white t-shirt, until he too skipped down the wooden stairs.

He was a bit sore, but he wouldn't let it get the best of him. 

"Good morning!" Wilbur greeted, being the only one in the kitchen. Clay grinned at him.

"Morning! Hey, by any chance, have you seen the others?"

"Down the road. Wait up, I'll be there in a second," he fumbled with the last of his task. Clay hadn't talked to Wilbur all that much, but he knew the talented brit was easy going, and a pretty good guy.

As they walked down the road together, Wilbur kept laughing quietly, making Dream question the legitimateness of their excursion. He failed to notice the extra car in the driveway. 

"Ayo!!! Dream!" Dream whipped his gaze forward, landing on three boys bouncing up and down. He shook his head in disbelief, reaching their side.

"Wilbur! Took you long enough champ," Tommy scoffed at his friend, but his face was alight with amusement. At his side was loyal Tubbo, and finally, in front of Dream was the one and only,

"Karl!! You didn't say you were coming?" Dream engulfed his friend in a hug, laughing as he ruffled his light brown hair.

"I know! It was supposed to be a surprise!" Karl drew away, giddily giggling his personable chuckle. 

"How long are you guys here?" He asked, as the group of five walked into the boat house they had met at.

"Ant and Red are leaving tomorrow, so for now we're just staying in the cottage, but I get their room tomorrow." Karl clarified.

He had met Karl back in middle school, and they got along fairly well. Along with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, he was easily one of his best friends. "That's awesome man."

"It is!"

Once inside, Dream was met with the entire crew. Skeppy and Bad were talking to the neighbor, a kind man with a white mustache, and Sapnap and George were pointing at the numerous pool floats on the walls saying 'I bet you wouldn't tube in that!'

Red and Ant had stayed behind, as they had wanted to kayak before they left, so that just left the nine of them. 

"Alright, listen up! Since Darryl here told me all of y'all have the maturity of a twelve year old, we need to set the rules straight!" The boat owner smiled warmly, saying it in a manner that was fully light hearted.

"Or not so straight," Sapnap whispered to George, who promptly elbowed him in the ribs without sparing a second glance. 

"Only three people on the tube at once, and be seated in the boat at all times. No exceptions with the life jackets- better safe than sorry. Any questions?"

"If one person falls off, do the rest of us?" Tommy asked.

"That would be ideal, but you can stay on the tube. We have to go back and pick them up anyway." He spread his hands. "Alright, lets do this!"

The boat pulled out of the garage, the tube left tied to the back of it. Darryl looked between the group. "Who's first?"

"Dream team!" Sapnap shrieked like the child he was, grabbing George's and Dream's hands in his own and throwing them up. "Us first, us first!"

Dream rolled his eyes, sharing a 'he's such a child,' glance with George, but he nodded. "Yea, we'll go."

"Awesome. Life jackets check, and then get on the tube." Darryl dropped the raft into the water, holding it next to the boat as the trio climbed aboard. 

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