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of 2020

"I want to travel, like, just be on the road for a period of time, not stay anywhere. I want to go everywhere right now, to be honest," Natalie said through the phone, crocheting her cardigan.

"We should go on a girl's trip, all of us, it'd be so fun," Mia says to the group facetime call.

"We do have the senior trip, aren't our schools going to Disney at the same time?" Hannah asked, fixing her hair.

"Uh, yeah, but still, I want to leave the country, like go to London or something. Meet some rich British man with glasses," Natalie explained chuckling. The rest of the girls all laughed in agreement.

"Unless he is Louis Partridge, I don't want him," Maria added, rolling her eyes romantically, taking a gulp of soda.

"Louis Partridge...he's something else let me tell you," Sophia added, raising her eyebrows. "I'll never forgive my parents for not making me a child actor, like I could be filming a movie with him right now, but no."

The girls on the call laughed and Natalie checked the time. She had a huge chemistry exam coming up that Tuesday, and needed to study.

"Hey, uh I have to go study, i'll talk to you guys later," she said grabbing her phone and smiling.

"Oh Natalie, always doing the most for her grades," Elliana replied, and Natalie rolled her eyes. "Bye nat!" she added. Natalie waved and hung up her phone.

She walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see her brother setting up food and decorations. She gave him a confused face, and he stared and ignored her.

"What's all of this?" she asked from across the kitchen island. Dylan hesitated but finally explained, "I'm, i'm throwing a party."

Natalie rolled her eyes, "Dylan! it's Sunday, I have to study, and mom and dad are away right now and don't know about it, are you serious?" the brunet boy shrugged, "well, 50 people are already coming so, sorry."

"50! Dylan, I need to study, and when does this party start?" Natalie reluctantly asked sighing. "Ten minutes," he replied.

"And how do you expect me to focus tonight," she asked, leaning her head on her hand. "Leave," Dylan snapped, smirking.

"I don't want t-, fine I will, have fun at your party, and if you get grounded don't blame me," Natalie said, giving him a fake smile and running back upstairs.

  Sipping her hot coffee, Natalie drove into the parking lot of Brown library and parked her car in front of the building. It was rainy, dark, and gray as she stepped out of her car, holding her heavy books and flashcards, and entered the building. As usual, it was almost empty, except for the late workers who longed to leave. Instead of stopping and looking at the new arrivals, one of the first things she did when she entered the library, she sharply walked toward the research room where she was allowed to study. She wasn't one to rush, but she knew the library was closing soon and wanted enough time. Just as she was about to step into the room, she was stopped by bumping straight into someone, which she really didn't have time to look at.

  "I'm- I'm sorry," she said backing away and keeping her head down. When she looked back up, she was mortified to see a tall, blond, blue-eyed boy shaking his head, trying to gain his balance again.

  "Corbyn...oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, I should've been looking," she finally spoke, feeling extremely embarrassed.

  "Oh, no it's alright, I wasn't really looking either," he reassured her, smiling. "Anyways, what are you doing here? And...are you okay? You look a little tense."

  Natalie shook her head, "Oh no, I'm fine, just a little stressed. I was about to study at home but my brother decided to throw a party, so now I'm here. What about you?"

   "Oh nothing I was just going in there to read," Corbyn replied, holding up a large, green, hardcover book up.

   The girl in front of him giggled and covered her mouth. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?" she joked, raising her eyebrow.

  Corbyn grinned and playfully rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, Harry Potter's a classic."

   "I'm kidding, I love Harry Potter," she chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ear. There was an awkward silence between the two teenagers for a few seconds, until finally, Corbyn spoke and said,

   "Well, reading this isn't that important. I can, uh, help you study if you want," he offered, rubbing the back of his head.

  "Sure, thanks," Natalie accepted, and they both entered the large, dim room with long tables.


   They started going over her notes and Corbyn quizzed her on the questions she wrote down. Unsurprisingly, for Natalie at least, since chemistry and astronomy were her best subjects, she got every question right. Corbyn, on the other hand, not knowing how smart she was, was shocked.

  "Are you sure you even need to study? You've gotten everything right," he asked, looking through the notes.

   "I am a big over-thinker, if I don't study I'll go crazy the night before," Natalie replied with a light laugh. Corbyn shrugged and grabbed a pack of flashcards from the pile beside them. He flipped through them and sat back in his seat, pulling his "invisible mustache." Natalie looked at him puzzled and laughed.

   "Miss Natalie, what is the chemical formula for octane?" Corbyn asked in a deep, interviewer-like tone. Natalie laughed and Corbyn smiled.

   "That would be C8H18, Mr..." Natalie replied, asking for his last name.

   "...Besson," Corbyn answered and she nodded. "It is indeed C8H18, one hundred points!"

   They continued their game of "flashcard jeopardy" for thirty minutes until they were called to leave because the library was closing. The two teenagers packed their things and exited the building.

   "Thank you, by the way. You didn't need to stop your Harry Potter session for my chemistry test," Natalie said as they stepped outside. "Oh, nah it's fine, you're welcome," Corbyn replied with a small grin.

  "I really don't want to go back home, it's going to be so loud there I already know," she complained, walking towards her car.

   "Um, my mom is home and loves guests, you can, hang out for a bit...if you want," the blonde boy suggested.

"Oh, no, I can't, I already bothered you enough," she laughed opening her car door.

  "No, seriously, it's fine. Plus, I have great snacks..." he added, trying to convince her.

  Natalie shook her head, "Fine, text me the address." Corbyn pulled out his phone and texted her the address. He walked back to his car and they were on their way.

I'm back from the dead 🏃🏽‍♀️. Anyways, hi y'all! I got this sudden motivation to update so, enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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