"C'mon Eleanor can we please just tell them, I don't wanna hide my girlfriend anymore also who am I going to bring as guest for the KCA'S next month" I state.
Eleanor is my girlfriend for almost a year now and our fans don't even know that she exist because she wants to stay hidden.
"I'm sorry lou, I really am but I'm just not ready." She tells me.
I sigh, this is the same fucking excuse that she uses for everything.
"When are you ever going to be ready Eleanor, I'm tired of hiding my love for you el, I want to tell the world what an amazing girl I have, I want to protect you from the haters on Twitter, I want to be your boyfriend outside not in the god damn closet" I protested, not as good as niall friend Jimmy of course.
Eleanor bit her lip.
"I know babe I'm sorry but I don't think that now it's the time, how about you get a fake girlfriend for all that" she tells me.
Is this girl crazy. She had to be.
"Are you crazy" I asked. She looks serious.
"Oh c'mon Louis what's the worst that could happen it's not like your going to fall in love with her or something" she said while filing her fake nails.
"Ok fine I'll see if Simon can do that" she squeals and hugs me.
Ok I totally forgot that you don't know who I am.
My name is Louis Tomlinson, im 1/5 members of a well known boy band named one direction. My band members names are Zayn Malik the artist, Niall Horan the only Irish one in the group, Harry Styles ladies man, and Liam Payne the daddy. I'm the prankster of the group and also the funny one. That girl that I was talking to, yeah her name is Eleanor Calder, She is a super model and is also my girlfriend.
The lads hate her with passion but I don't know why. I mean even niall hate her and he loves everyone. They tell me that she is rude behind my back but I don't believe it. I mean sure, she have her moments but don't we all. We have nothing in common but they say opposite attracts and I believe it.
For instance, I'm one of those people who see the good and positive in everybody unless you prove me wrong. But everyone has a story am I right. I love making people smile, even when im having a horrible day, I push my feelings aside just to make someone smile. I love telling jokes and pranking people mostly liam. I'm the human and British version of Peter Pan.
Eleanor is one of this people who is strict and is never wrong, type of person. She absolutely hate it when I prank people and gets mad when I ask her to do a prank with me. She tells me that I'm to childish but hey unlike her, my kids are going to love me. I can see it now.
(His dream)
"Daddy" Tommy laugh.
"Yeah, tommo are you going to say that again" I kept tickling Him.
"N-no I'm n-not da-da-daddy p-please stop I h-have to pee" he laughed harder.
"Ok repeat after me, daddy is the best daddy in the world and I love him better than mummy" I said tickling him while trying to avoid his swing feet in the air.
"Ok, d-daddy is the b-best daddy in the world, and I l-l-love him be-better than m-mu-mummy" with that I let go and chuckled as he zooms to the bathroom.
"Uh lou, why did I marry you if all you do is run around like you're 5"
I completely ignore he and try to make her laugh.
"Hey el," I asked
"What Louis"
I then started to dance and sing.
"How funky is your chicken, how lose is your goose"
"Ugh lou act your age not your shoe size please"
"I won't act my age, no I won't act my age but I'll still feel the same about you, hey" I started singing the song me and nialler wrote a long time ago.
She just rolled her eyes and left.
(End of dream)
I called uncle Si and told him about my predicament with Eleanor and he said that he has the perfect girl with the same personality as me.
He tells me to go to the management office tomorrow at 11 sharp to meet her. I thank him and sigh. Hopefully Eleanor will like her.
"Your a bitch you know that" I hear harry scream downstairs following with a clash sounds.
I quickly make my way downstairs to see three lamps broken and a crying Eleanor. I hug her and sigh.
This is my life.
"Guys what was that for" I said frustrated with them. Eleanor just left.
"I don't like her lou, she so mean me, she told me that nobody likes irish people who the fuck do she think she is like news flash bitch nobody likes you" niall states getting himself worked up.
"The messed up part mate is how you always choose her over us, your own bandmates that you new for almost 5 years" Zayn states.
I groan and roll my eyes.
"That's not ture" I said.
"Is to" liam said while grabbing a pear.
"Yeah it is mate and you know it. What happened to bros before hoes" harry states making niall laugh.
"What the fuck is so funny Neil" I asked.
"First of all its niall N.I.A.L.L niall" I rolled my eyes.
"You know what Louis, keep your bitch your not worth my time" niall said angrily and marched upstairs.
"I'll check on him" liam then followed niall.
"Haz im going for a smoke don't wait up" Zayn said.
"You know those kills right"
"I'm working on it" with that he left.
"Looks like it's just you and me" I said to harry. He rolls his eyes.
"Nope just you Lewis" he spats before leaving the house.
"Mate were are you going" I asked.
"None of your damn business, just bring your girlfriend whatever her name is here since you clearly like her more than Us your brother's from another mother" he then close the door.
I sighed.
"I messed up" I whispered to myself.
Hello lovelies, I hope you all like the chapter.
Anyway let's play guess the song, group/artist and there name.
Hint: a group and my second favorite person in it no hate to the others.
You tie me up in chains
You throw away the key
But there's no trapped doors
I'm not going leave
Your the truth I can't explain
your the only one I see
Its not an .... to me

Do You Believe It
Random"I can't take this anymore Eleanor, it's not fair for me" "well I'm sorry that I'm not ready to go out in the public yet Louis" "but were dating" "and I have a normal life being a super model not being mobbed by horny teenagers" When Louis long term...