"Hey do you guys wanna go to the cinema" jesy asked.
We met her like about 2 hours ago and we instantly clicked again. I honestly like these girls but I just can't help but feel bad that the guys like them but not el, but she also bullied jade. Was the lads right all this time.
"Sure babe what movie" harry asked making her roll her eyes.
She is honestly the girl version of liam it's absolutely hysterical.
"I don't know Mockingjay, Annie" niall suggested.
We all agreed on both of those movies and we head out the door. I grabbed jade hands and intertwine my fingers with her and I felt something weird inside my stomach that I have not felt in such a long time. She smiles and we go to liam car. We all sit down and started to nod out head with the beat of the music.
"And we're here" harry said, pulling up in a empty parking lot. We all got out and I saw the paps waiting for us.
"Oh my god, how did they know that we were coming here" perrie said angrily.
"Peppa calm down, the angrier you get, the harsher they would be" jesy said, making jade giggle.
Oh my god. Those. Giggles. Are. To. Cute.
"What's so funny baba" perrie asked raisin an eyebrow at her.
"Nothing" she said still giggling slightly.
Everyone smile widen at the sound of jade giggles and we all put on our Ray Bans getting ready to face the paps.
I grabbed jade waist with one hand and I use the other one to push our way out. I also saw the lads doing the same with the other girls.
"Hey, look it's jade and Louis are you guys a couple"
"Jesy, how are things with you and Jordan"
"Jade, if Sam was here would you go and to take him back"
"Leigh, did you and Jordan finally getting married, that would be so cute"
I felt someone tap my shoulder, I looked down and saw that it was jade.
"How much further they are getting harsher" she tells me as tears slowly fall out.
I wiped her tears away with my thumb making her smile and then looked towards the cinema and saw that it wasn't that far.
"Almost there love your doing good" I hugged her and she smiled returning my hug.
"Liam, who do you love more Sofia or Danielle"
I noticed that the guys were right behind me, that's great.
"Harry is it ture you had gone out with 410 women in a year"
"Perrie, are you and Zayn dating your getting quite cosy there"
Yeah, were about five feet away.
"Zayn, are you ever going back to your quiff"
"Niall, why don't you take me to Nando's with you"
I opened the door and we all went inside. I saw that jade and niall was in tears.
"Aww jadey" jesy said pulling her along.
It's so sad to see both jade and niall cry, its like you need to protect them because they look so innocent. It's actually pretty funny, the two youngest one (perrie/harry) of both bands are the face of the band and the two second youngest (niall/jade) are the adorable ones.

Do You Believe It
De Todo"I can't take this anymore Eleanor, it's not fair for me" "well I'm sorry that I'm not ready to go out in the public yet Louis" "but were dating" "and I have a normal life being a super model not being mobbed by horny teenagers" When Louis long term...