Chapter 11

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"Oh my god, yesterday's Music video was amazing" Leigh squealed.

"Don't you mean amaZAYN" perrie yelled making us laugh.

"It was so hard for me not to cry" jesy said.

"I know jes, but I didn't need you crying over how good I looked in that outfit" I joked making them laugh again.

"Ooooh burn" perrie screamed while giving me a high five.

"Hey do you mind if the guys come over today for you can meet them." I asked.

"No I would love to meet them" Leigh and jesy said in harmony.

"Yay you would love them" I stated.

"Except for Louis girlfriend, she is a bitch and was the one who bullied her in high school" perrie said.

"Ya lying Eleanor was a attention whore" yep my words exactly.

"Well I got crazier over the years so bitch got nothing on me" I said making them all laugh.

Alright guys let's get ready" jesy said and we all went inside our rooms.

Since I already took a shower this morning all I need to do is get dressed. I decided to wear my black short sleeve shirt that has a big letter A in white, a white ruffled skirt, black knee high socks, and my black Addis sneakers that has a red bow on it. I then did my makeup and fixed my hair so it looked like a halo. I then ran down the stairs and ate a biscuit.

20 minutes later

"Ok we're ready" I heard Leigh voice coming down the stairs.

"Finally" I muttered.

"So baba watcha think" perrie asked me. I looked up and saw what they was wearing.

"You guys look gorgeJESY" I yelled making them giggle.

Perrie had on a knitted sweater that shows a picture of a dog paw print, washed out jeans, and white flats. Her makeup was great as usual and her hair was in a straight but slightly curled at the tips of her hair.

Jesy was in black shorts like the one she wore in move and wings, a batman long sleeve crop top, knee high black socks and her black laced up boots. Her hair was in her natural curls and make up was done lightly.

Leigh was wearing a white long sleeve crop top that shows a bunch of letters in black writing, black shorts having the clips from the shorts down, black tights and black Nikes. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had light make up on.

"I can say the same for you jadey" jesy tells me making me blush a little.

"Thanks jesy, I'm going to Starbucks and get the biscuits that I love do any of you want to come or want something" I asked.

"Nah I'm good" jesy said.

"I'll come jay" Leigh and perrie said. I nod and grabbed my stuff.

"Bye jesy" with that we took off.

"So do you wanna walk or drive there" I asked Leigh.

"Oh walking for sure girl I need to show off my outfit" she said making her voice sound like jesy. I burst out laughing.

"Ok lei" I said.

We started walking in comfortable silence when Leigh decided to talk.

"So what are the guys in one direction like"

"There sexier in real life I know that is for sure" perrie said making me roll my eyes and Leigh laugh.

"Well there is louis who is the boy version of me but louder" I said.

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