Who am I?

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Authors note:

I will try to write at least 4,000 words for each chapter. I will also try to post a chapter weekly for you guys. This is my first time writing a fanfic so if you have any ideas that you want to implement I will be happy to take some suggestions. There will also be more than one interest so when choosing who Y/n will get with depends on what the majority wants. Happy reading everyone! 

    Y/n's POV

     I gasped for air it felt like I haven't breathed in years, my throat was sore and felt like it was on fire. It was cold, not like the feeling of warmth I seemed so used to in my slumber. I still couldn't see clearly my vision was dark, but if I focused hard enough I could some what make out objects in front of me. I stood up, immediately my legs gave out and I fell back down with a THUD. "Ow" my raspy voice echoes, bouncing off of the walls. I sat there for a while until my vision came back to me fully. My mouth parted open a bit, only just slightly. I was sitting on the ground with a long straight stick to the side of me, surrounding me were statues of all these scary looking people. Behind me was a tall woman, she wore long thick robes and held two fans, her head was adorn with a detailed head peace. She would have been so beautiful if her face wasn't so scary. I had a feeling that the statues were watching me and that's all the feeling that I needed to be able to stand; with the help of the stick; and leave.

     "It's snowing?" I touched the fluffy white snow brining my hand back instantly at it's cold feeling. "I don't remember it being winter; in fact I barely remember a thing." For the next few hours I explored the temple, it seemed to be in shambles, how did I get here? It felt like I was asleep for so long but I was still insanely tired, I ended up being able to find a 'bed' that ended up being more dust than bed when I sat on it. "Finally I can get some rest" I'm pretty sure I was going crazy talking to myself like this, but that thought soon passed away as I was able to close my eye and let my conscience drift away.

Gang's POV

     "There it is the southern air temple!" Aang yelled Katara's eyes lit up she's never seen such a sight before, after all this is her and Sokka's first time outside of the southern water tribe. "Aang it's amazing" She was in complete awe, Sokka just wanted to get off of the stinky flying monster, or umm, flying bison? "We're home buddy, we're home" Aang stated, his eyes softened he looked, sad? Maybe, but it was well hidden behind his smile. Though Sokka and Katara were worried about what he might feel once he realized what changes come with 100 years.

     They were all wondering around the temple, Aang was excited to show them everything and Katara was excited to see it. Sokka on the other hand was excited to see...what meat he could find, he didn't care about much else. Aang was showing them everything he could remember, naming one thing after the other, he sadden at the realization of the change that has come to his home. Sokka took his mind off of his hunger, just for a while at least to try and comfort him, "So this air ball game, how do you play?" He asked. Aang's face immediately lit up. They set up the game and Aang served the ball with much force as it banged on the pools and hit Sokka through the target as he let out a big 'oof' when he fell to the snow. For a game that involved air bending it was pretty loud, loud enough to wake a certain girl in a room not far away.

Y/n's POV

     "What is that noise?!" I jolted up quickly, it sounded like a heard of kola sheep stampeding outside. I was still kind of tired but got up anyways, curious to what could have made all that racket. 'Stupid head voices telling me what to do' I thought. I got my make-shift crutch and took a little peak outside my window, my eyes widened. I backed up quickly and put a hand to my chest "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" I yelled in a hushed tone, my voice still raspy. It was HUGE, white and brown. If it wanted to kill it could easily do so with just a flick of its ginormous tail that seemed to resemble the tail of a beaver. I walked quickly out of the room to get far from whatever it was, then I heard a laugh? It sounded familiar, and so innocent and happy. "hahaha, Aang 7, Sokka 0!" It rang from outside. People? Other people? Here? I asked myself as I continued walking down the corridor. I tripped over something and fell flat on my face 'Ow...again'  I looked back at my feet to see if I was stupid enough to trip on air, it was worse. I brought my hands up to my gaping mouth and scooted away, still on the ground. It was a skeleton, a HUMAN skeleton. Those people outside, they must live here! They probably killed this man, what if they are cannibal's! I have to get away from here! I have to hide! I got up and ran as fast as I could still having to rely on my trusty stick to help me walk. I wasn't focused to much on where I was going and ended up lost till I came to the statue room from which I awoke the first time.

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