The Bizarre King

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Y/n's POV

"Okay, okay, I think I got it this time! So there are 4 elements; Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. The Avatar is a powerful person and the only one who can control all of them, and their soul purpose is to keep the world in balance?"

"Don't forget that they are connected to the spirits and the sprit world." Katara interjected. Aang also inputted his own little piece of information. "Not only that but every Avatar is connected since we are all just a reincarnation of the last." 

"Okay. OH! And some people can't bend?" I swiftly remembered that small detail. Sokka didn't look too happy when I said that though. "Yeah that's right. Bending is more like a common gift that people possess." Katara said in a way that seemed like she was a know it all. "I wonder if I'm a bender?" I pondered as I held my chin in my hand, how would I even know if I could bend or not? Aang stared straight into my soul like a mouse determined to get his cheese from a mouse trap. "You can Y/n." 

"I can!? What kind of bender am I!" It was kind of cool to find out I had a power, or I guess the right term would be bend. "Oh! Well um..." Aang never finished that sentence, I just really want to know so I can start practicing. I realized we started to descend to the ground.  We came up over the ridge and before us was a huge city built on a steep mountain. It was really something to behold.

Aang started to take off to the city and I followed close behind until Katara stopped us. Jeez what a buzzkill. "Wait Aang it could be dangerous if people find out if you're the avatar." I guess that does make sense, after all where ever this boy shows up trouble seems to quickly follow behind. They ended up using Appa's fur as hair and a mustache for Aang, I wanted to burst out laughing he looked so stupid! "Okay, now can we go!" I whined, I really wanted to see the city maybe it could jog a memory or two. Just maybe. 

We started to head to the city. We had to walk on a winding narrow path and below was a ravine I stopped at the start of the path. "Guys! I just remembered something!" I yelled to them with a smile. Aang turned around so fast "Really!? What is it!" his eyes lit up with a spark that only that bald nomad could possess.

"I'm afraid of heights...." Katara looked so confused "You flew just fine on Appa." 

"That's different! I didn't looked over the side on Appa!" I held my forearm I didn't want to take another step, I couldn't, I was frozen in place and I wasn't even on the bridge yet! "We don't have time for this!" Sokka complained as he walked over to me. Suddenly he turned away from me squat down and put his arms around my knees and lifted me up so that I was on his back.  "Just put your face into the fur on my coat and try not to choke me." He stated then started walking. I could hear Katara snicker "Awe does my brother have a soft spot?" 


Finally he stopped, so I guess we were finally in the city. I tried to get off but Sokka gripped harder and turned his head ever so slightly to whisper to me. "We aren't in yet Y/n we have to talk to the post guards first."

I felt vibrations all around me, almost creating a picture in my mind. I could feel the busting sitting just a few steps ahead and the post guards garding the gate in front of us. I could see it all, I could see it all through Sokka, Through my hands that held onto him. What type of bending would this even be?! Suddenly a deep voice spoke, that must be one of the guards. "State your business!" 

"My business is MY business young man and none of yours! I have half a mind to bend you over my knee and paddle your backside!" I could hear Aang yell in his poor impression of an old man. Were doomed I thought. He then said some ridiculous name and said we were his grandkids? Katara was able to recite the name no problem. That's kind of impressive, even for a know it all like her. We started to move again once he gave the go ahead but soon stopped us. "What's the matter with her?" I could tell he was right next to me, I tightened my arms around Sokka. "Nothing sir, you see she's afraid of heights." 

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