O7: Where There's A River There's A Cause

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Flipping her shades on as protection from the harsh fluorescent lights, Tiffany wondered how Chelsea's date was going. She was not sure whether it might even be called a date, seeing as all Chelsea had worn was another flannel. (seriously, does she have anything in that closet of hers except for flannels? Oh wait, never mind) She opens her camera app and gets herself ready for a selfie when she notices someone standing behind her. Ooh, maybe Taylor? Nope, just the creepy neighbor girl.

She sighs, "Hello, no I do not know where my brother is." Riley stares, "I was going to tell you that your shoelaces are untied but alright," she looks around warily, "I think River skipped school today." Tiffany gives her a curious look, "He skips school everyday, only attends Mr. Mondays' classes because-"

"Because I'm in them too?" Riley asks excitedly. Tiffany does not look up from tying her shoelaces when responding, "I'm sorry but I do not know or wish to know the reason behind everything my brother does," Rising from the ground, she flashes a blinding smile at Riley, "And besides, it's probably because Mr Mondays is the only teacher with enough patience to handle his tomfoolery."

Looking somewhat disappointed, Riley waves her goodbye and heads off in the direction of Mr. Mondays next class. Tiffany shakes her head in amusement as she walks to her locker, hoping not to run into any other strange characters her school contained.

The first thing that catches Tiffany's eye when she swings her locker door open is not the giant bouquet of roses, but a gleaming envelope with badly drawn hearts decorating the outside. She scrunches up her face in confusion, the letters she received from her regular suitors did not look so, well, different. Bringing the envelope up to her nose, she sniffed. It smelled like paper, cigarettes and also were those cloves? To say the least, Tiffany was intrigued.

Opening the envelope, she found a piece of paper torn out from a ruled notebook and hastily folded into a tiny square. Its contents were as follows:

Dear Tiffany,

       I like ur boobs

      they r very hot

     all your previous lovers were noobs

     im the best u ever got

     your neck is very pretty 

    it really turns me on

   my teeth do the gritty

   your mouth tastes like corn

   your legs are so cute

  and i like the way you smile

  when you look at fruit

  it makes me stop and stare for a while

  you're like an angel descended upon the sinner that is me

  don't leave me darling pls hold me close

  i like ur boobs 

  they r very hot


She's barely even processed the words in front of her before her locker door is slammed shut and she is backed against it. Taylor's arm is 2cm away from her head and he's panting, looking deep into her eyes with his own crystalline orbs.

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