It's the beginning!!

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No one's POV:

Camila: Okay!! Now I'll on the projector!!

Max: Hold on!!

Dipanshiii: What u want Max?

Max: I have a question!!

Camila: Can u ask afterward?

Max: No, I'll forget about it!!

Mysterious/ Mystic: Let him say then. What is your question?

Max: Where are we? I know that we all are not in Paris!!

Camila: You are not in Paris, it is a different dimension. You all are in our dimension!!

Everyone: WHAT?!?!

Dipanshiii: You heard her!

Adrien: Are you Lady Bug?

Camila: I want to, but I'm not!!

Dipanshiii: Me too!!

Mysterious/ Mystic: Me three!!

Alya: Are you faires??

Rose: Woah!!

Camila facepalms.

Mysterious/ Mystic: Of course not!!

Dipanshiii: We don't have wings or magical powers like them!!

Adrien: You brought us here, isn't that magic??

Camila: Oh my!! Kid, it is called Wattpad!!

Adrien: What??

Everyone: WATTPAD??

Camila: I think I was going to break the fourth wall!!

Dipanshiii: Can't you all be as clever as now, when Lila lies!!

Lila: I'm not a liar!!

Mysterious/ Mystic: What should we do now??

Everyone: Tell us!!

Alya: Where are we??

Rose: Tell us, please!!

Kim: Yeah

Then everyone starts asking questions to the three girls.


Everyone stares at Camila in horror, she yelled at them so loud!!

Camila: Now listen here!! You all are in our dimension!! We are not faires, we all are human like you fools (But one difference, we are not fools and dense to know Lila's lies)!! We brought you here through Wattpad!! Which is our dimension machine!! Understood everyone, okay!!

Everyone: Yes

Camila: Good, now let's start!!

Dipanshiii: Finally!!

Mysterious/ Mystic: Now!! Don't ask silly questions!!

Everyone: Okay

Then Camila finally presses the red button and the screen starts.

Dipanshiii: What to show them first? Fanart or *whispers to Camila & Mystic* Lila's lies?

Camila: First *smirks* the truth!!

Mystic: Hmm..that will be fun!!

Dipanshiii: Seeing their faces!!

Then Camila turns to Miraculous Crew.

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