Chapter Seventeen

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Allie pulled up to the parking lot and smiled to herself when she saw that there was already a motorcycle parked off to the side. Its owner was unsnapping his helmet, still seated on the bike, and then he swept off the helmet to reveal that familiar slicked-back blonde hair. She'd told Bobby that whoever the club was sending today needed to be here by 1:45, and as she glanced at the clock on her dashboard, she bit down on her bottom lip to hide her smile.

It was 1:42.

He was learning. And listening, it seemed.

She resisted the urge to check her makeup in her visor mirror - it didn't matter. Her power outfit today did all the work for her anyway. Given that she was mostly here to conduct interviews today, she'd needed to look approachable, at least in this setting, but also look like someone who didn't take shit from anyone. It was a difficult balance to find in her wardrobe, but with Dan's help, she'd found that balance in a high-waisted black leather skirt that fell just past her knees and a black bodysuit cutout in a sweetheart neckline with sheer black material covering up to her neck and just past her elbows. Both hard and soft, approachable and tough at the same time, depending on which line she needed to take with which employee.

With that thought, she grabbed her bag, glancing at her phone one last time before switching it on silent. Her heart sank at the text message she found on her screen:

I really need some help, Allie. Just $200. Or whatever you can spare. Please, honey, I just need some help.

Allie pushed out a heavy sigh. Yeah, her mom really did need help. Just not the kind of help she was asking for. And since she'd been strong and held her ground ever since she'd told her mom she just couldn't help her in that way anymore, Anna persisted. Every few days, sometimes there was a little more time in between, but...she still texted to ask for money.

So, Allie typed out the same response she'd given Anna for the last few weeks: I'm sorry, Mom. I can't.

Almost two seconds later, her phone pinged with a response, but she switched it on silent and tossed it in her purse. She'd responded for now, and would just have to deal with it later.

She had a few hours to spend in a strip club today.

By the time she slid out of her car and had both heels on the pavement, Jax was already sauntering her way with that cool swagger he always seemed to carry. His blue eyes trailed up and down the length of her as he walked toward her, and his lips curled into that ever-present smirk she'd grown so accustomed to.

Her heart flitted in her chest, tightening just a little when he closed the distance between them and stopped a pace in front of her. She hadn't seen him since the fundraiser three days ago, and now that he was standing in front of her, she realized that...she'd missed him. She'd missed that cocky grin and that easy swagger. Those sparkling blue eyes. The way he teased her. The way he pushed her. The way he made her feel like she was standing right on the edge of a cliff. The longer he stood there in front of her, the more she felt like she might be able to jump off that cliff. Just the thought of that had her knees quaking in her leather skirt.

"Hey, darlin'," Jax grinned down at her. He pushed his hands into his front pockets and rocked back on his heels. She was starting to wonder why he always seemed to do that around her. Was it a nervous tic or something?

"Hi, Jax," she replied, letting her lips twist into a smile and also wanting to kick herself a little for how breathless her voice sounded right now.

His eyes flashed and then he gestured with his head toward the front entrance. She followed his lead, falling into step next to him, and swallowing hard when his hand ghosted over the small of her back until they got to the door. He grabbed the door for her with a grin, sweeping a hand in front of him to let her pass through first. Once they were inside the club, Jax shoved his hands in his front pockets again as they ventured over to the bar.

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