Chapter Twenty-Six

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About six hours after dropping Allie back off at the studio, Jax pulled his bike into the driveway of her house, killed the engine, and unsnapped his helmet. He blew out a deep breath, his eyes darting between the garage and the front door. Indecision gnawed at him - should he ring the doorbell? Use the garage door code? He wasn't really sure what the right play here was, even though he'd finally remembered to throw a change of clothes and some other things in his bike before coming over here. He fully expected he'd be spending the night in her bed again, but he still wasn't quite sure where her head was at with all this, what her comfort level was with him being in her personal space like this.

After the vote, and after their trip to Charming PD, he had some things he needed to say to her, but he had some questions too. He just wasn't sure how to approach those questions or if he even should tonight. Maybe it was just like at the vote today - the only thing he could be with her was honest, and he just had to trust she would let him know if he'd overstepped beyond the bounds of where their relationship stood right now. And if he did overstep, he'd back the hell off until she was ready to answer those questions. They had plenty of ground to cover anyway just by focusing on their relationship.

Luckily, though, Allie solved his initial dilemma for him by pulling open the front door and waving him in. So, he followed her lead, grabbing his overnight bag from the back of his bike, and heading up her walkway to push through the screen door where Allie was waiting for him. Although his senses were immediately hit by some pretty amazing Italian spice scents, he didn't hesitate to pull her into his arms.

"Hey, baby," he murmured into her neck. "Missed you."

"Hi, Jax," Allie laughed in his arms. "I missed you too. How was the rest of your day?"

"Pretty uneventful, which was a relief," he told her as she slid out of his arms to draw him deeper into the house and he let his overnight bag fall onto the couch so they could move into the kitchen, where that aroma only intensified. "How 'bout you?"

"Same," she shrugged. She stepped over to her oven, opened the door to check what was inside, and then grabbed a few potholders to pull a baking dish out. Allie carried it gingerly to the island, and he couldn't help but follow her movements, fascinated by whatever was in that dish.

He cocked her an easy grin when she set the dish down on a cooling rack on her island. "Did you cook for me tonight, darlin'?"

Allie shot him a wary glance over her shoulder. "Don't get used to it. Consider this my peace offering, but that's it."

"I get it," he chuckled, tipping his chin up to try to get a better look at what was inside that dish. "Even if I expected a home-cooked meal from you every night -"

Allie's eyebrows lifted in annoyance, but his hands immediately flew up in the air, his shoulders shaking with laughter.

"I said I didn't expect it, okay?" he laughed, ducking a little when she swatted him with a kitchen towel. "I know better than to expect that."

"That's right," she nodded with narrowed eyes. "I've got better things to do with my time. You know, like having a professional career."

"I know, I know," he laughed again, hands still up in the air. "I was going to say, that even if I expected a home-cooked meal from you every night, which I don't, I know you've got better things to do with the free time you do have - like me, for instance."

Allie mulled that over, playfully tilting her head to the side in thought. "You're right. That sounds way more fun than cooking. And more satisfying. Definitely a better use of my free time."

"I thought you'd see it my way," he winked at her and then tipped his chin to the baking dish. "What ya got cookin' in there?"

"Well," Allie replied easily as she pulled off the lid to reveal bubbling cheese and marinara sauce. "I might've talked to Gemma today to find out what your favorite meal was. So, here it is. I hope you enjoy it because it may not be happening again for a very long time."

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