10| Communication

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I can't breathe.

I literally cannot breathe.

It's like they air around me was fleeing from the room.

There was not enough air to scream, not enough air to see, my vision was turning black, I cannot breathe anymore-


Danny's face was inches above mine and his brows were arched in concern.

"Steve wake up, it's just a dream!" He shook me.

All I could do was blink at him before taking in my surroundings.

I was sitting on the living room couch, wearing just my sweatpants and an empty cup of tea sat on the far side of the coffee table. The paper sat under that cup.

I had fallen asleep reading an article.

And then I couldn't breathe.

But then Danny showed up.

"How did you get in?" I slurred.

"I have the key, remember?" And to prove it he stuffed it under my nose.

"Get that out of my face," I batted it away.

"You were gasping,"

"Okay, good to know," I nodded.





"Was it that nightmare?," Danny put his hands on his hips.

"Of course not," I laughed nervously.

Danny rolled his eyes and with a yank, pulled me off the couch and onto my feet.

"I don't understand you, just tell me what you're thinking! We're partners and you won't even tell me if you're still having that damned nightmare!"

I was on month two of a reoccurring nightmare.

It always started in the hospital, specifically the ER.
At first, I could only see what surrounded me and that was an empty room. As I looked closer, there was always blood on the chairs, the walls, and the reception desk.

Then it would zoom out to myself and I was in a stretcher, specifically strapped to it and covered in the very blood that decorated the hospital.

I would always try to yell for help and that was when my air started to run out until I woke up.

I didn't tell Danny about it anymore because he tried talking me into therapy the first time I mentioned it. He said I was having some kind of PTSD from the plane crash.

I was fine. It was only a dream, after all.

I looked at my partner and there was something different about him.

He had a look on his face I'd never seen before.

"What?" I asked.

"You are unbelievable," he shook his head.

"Yeah yeah, I need to get ready for work,"

I trudged up the stairs to find my gun and badge.

As I shrugged on a t-shirt, I felt someone watching me and turned to see Danny leaning into the doorframe.

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