chapter 2

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we zoom in illyri  in southern russia where bone arrow squadron led by viper which includes omega bronke and reaper are clearing the area for the commandos before they can move goodfellow told them this 

goodfellow:bone arrow squadron the operation has changed you will be working along with a third squadron know as alpha squaron they are lead by this person 

viper:damm this guy is deadly they were looking at yellow 13 profile and were suprised of his skill omega was 

looking at strigon and was suprised by his skill bronke was looking at sol 1 and was suprised  of his skill and 

deadlyeness and reaper was looking at shark or akula which he was suprised by his skills and deadlyiness in combat 

reaper:when will they arrive commando team how is going back there 

commandos team :so far so good we are doing back there 

as they exited the canyon goodfellow told them this 

goodfellow:ok bone arrow squadron ridgebacks and apha squad should be entering the airspace right now as they look four asf x shindens one su 37 su 30 su 33 and a su 35 flew past them

omega:whew they look good

akula:this is akula its seem like we reached the area report team

sol:this is sol 1 all systems ready lets go 

strigon:strigon here boss lets do this 

akula:yellow 13 take the lead lets go

yellow 13:alpha squadron engage show no mercy lunch is one me when we get back

slash:they are good both of them and reaper 

edge:you maybe right on this 

akula:all right team we eliminated the rest of them huh enemy reinforcements inbound 

sol:this will be fun alpha squadron akula you and i will deal with the enemy reinforcements the rest of you cleare the area

enemy squadron:all units engage at will

enemy pilot:copy that huh where they go 

akula:got you engaging the enemy pilot attemptes to shake akula off but he couldnt akula said this fox two firing two to air missiles at the enemy pilots were  shoot down 

sol 1: gotcha now  fox three shooting  four  more planes out of the skies and they fired their final missiles at the enemy commader taking him down 

yellow 13:commando team area clear find the hostages we will provide cover 

commando team:roger that landing go go go 

reaper:thanks for the help apha squadron

akula:no problem my frieund keep your eyes open the enemy will send their helicopters and tanks to stop the commando teams 

reaper:roger that as they finished the last of the enemies they receive report from the commando teams 

commando team:this is alpha squad the entire facility is unmaned there is no hostages 

goodfellow:so this is all for nothing 

yellow 13:incoming enemy railgun shells lower your altitudes now 

akula:copy that as they lower their altitued an enemy railgun fires on their positions 


viper:damm incoming enemy fire 

skyeye:damm javelin saber squadron respond

omega:someone will tell me whats going on 

slash:stay in formation watch your surrondings 

goodfellow:some kind of railgun sheels 

viper:that cant be the end of it they will hit us again

skyeye:this is skyeye we got an incoming railgun fire from turkey its coming at fast pace lower your altitude 

omega:what you want us to do burrow in the ground 

yellow 13:all teams listen up we could get out from this airspace through the canyone lower your altitude and lets go 

slash:copy that ridgebacks follow yellow 13 lead

edge:copy that 

ridgeback1 and 2:roger that 

viper:all bone arrow units follow yellow 13 lead 



reaper:roger that 

as they flew at a fast pace they managed to reach the cannyon and are flying at a face pace to lose the enemy fires as they reached the end 

yellow 13:this is yellow 13 is everyone okay

akula:this is akula im fine

strigon:same here 

sol:im fine

slash and edge and the ridgebacks 1 and 2;we are okay we will see you soon bone arrow and alpha squad thanks for the help

viper:damm that was close 

omega:you said it what was that 

goodfellow:when it cames to a railgun one thing is certain

reaper:damm we are almost out of fuel and we cant reach a nearby base

akula:we have an aicraft carrier in the black sea which should solve this problem for fuel

goodfellow:good idea all bone arrow squadrons we are going to their aicraft carrier 

as they exited souther russia they reached the aicraft carrier was huged and and well defended 

akula:all right bone arrow squadron we are landing now 

as they landed one thing is certain tommorrow they will begin their assault on the stonhenge railgun network in turkey tommorrow 

ending song

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