❯ 𝙣 ; 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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[ boss 🖕🐑 😑 ]
are you busy
sent. 11:35 pm

i only hv
wrk in the

sent. 11:37 pm

i'll pick you
up at 2 pm
i'll bring you
to my company
sent. 11:37 pm

sent. 11:38 pm

minho sighed and turned off his phone, wondering what the hell hyunjin wanted the next day before screwing it and just decided to sleep.

the next day, minho opened up the door in a panic hearing someone knocking on it. he saw hyunjin standing there smiling and his eyes widened.
sorry! i just got off work a couple of hours ago and i overslept and i—

it's okay minho.
hyunjin laughed and minho made him enter his little apartment which barely had anything, but then again he lived alone anyway. hyunjin pulled out a large gift box and gave it to minho.
wear these and make yourself look prettier, my company is kinda strict on visuals and presentation.
minho gave off a confused look before taking it and bringing it to his room to change.

hyunjin sat on the couch and engulfed the scent of the surroundings that smelled fresh and clean, it had a hint of minho's scent that was vanilla making hyunjin smile. minho went out the room and hyunjin couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat as he looked at him.

i don't look fine.
minho pouted but soon blushed seeing the stare hyunjin was giving him.
you look beautiful.
he complemented with a smile.
i picked that out myself for you so appreciate it a little more, you can keep it since it's for you anyway. let's go, we don't want to waste time.
hyunjin grabbed minho's hand and they went out the apartment, with minho locking it and taking the keys along with his phone.

minho sat on the passenger's seat as hyunjin drove them out of there.
i don't see why you had to drag me into your company shit on a beautiful saturday when i'm supposed to be resting after working the whole week.
minho huffed and complained at hyunjin who just chuckled at him.
i just need your help that's all, i'll say my next condition when we arrive.

oh geez, i'm excited.
minho said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

what if people questions me or something? i've never been in a company before.
minho said anxiously.
i basically own the place so you're good as long as you're with me.
hyunjin grinned and minho scoffed at him.
well aren't you a cocky bitch.

hey, watch your mouth.
hyunjin told him, minho smirked and looked at him.
why? what would you do if i don't?
he asked teasingly trying to annoy the younger but hyunjin was serious.
i can do so many things to a naughty boy like you.
was all hyunjin said and minho just shook his head and smirked.
coward, just using his words.

hyunjin gripped onto the wheel at what minho said and sped up a bit.
when we get there i'm really fucking you.
he said gritting his teeth clearly annoyed making minho blush madly and panic.

NAUGHTY; hyunho ✓Where stories live. Discover now