❯ 𝙣 ; 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

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minho let out a confused expression seeing hyunjin leaning onto the hood of his car in casual clothes as he was heading out work. hyunjin glanced at him with a smile and walked towards his direction.
you didn't have work today?
minho asked confused and hyunjin chuckled and shook his head.
i left early today, i want to spend some time with you.
hyunjin smiled, a blush crept onto minho's cheeks but nonetheless he nodded his head.

hyunjin grabbed minho's hand and ushered him towards his car.
where are we going?
minho asked and hyunjin smiled embarrassed.
i don't know either.
he said and minho smiled.
i know a place we should go, it's kinda far but let's stop by the mall for a moment.
minho said and hyunjin nodded.

they went to the mall and minho went to the toy store to buy a load of entertainment toys and educational ones. they got out the store and stopped by a donut place to buy five big boxes of donuts leaving hyunjin confused on where the heck were they going.
hyunjin drove them to where minho told him to and they arrived at a charity adoption center.

minho smiled and glanced at hyunjin before opening the door.
this is where we adopted jeongin....
he smiled softly and went out the car to grab the stuff they bought from the mall.

the center was quite small but there weren't as much kids as expected, hyunjin trailed off behind minho who soon got attacked by kids screaming and hugging him. minho laughed and bent down to their level, ruffling their hair and talking to them softly that it made hyunjin's heart melt.
hello, you're handsome.
a little girl hugged hyunjin's leg and he chuckled before carrying her with his one arm because his other hand was full.

they went in the center and hyunjin placed the girl down and she smiled at him before running off to her friends.
an old lady greeted and hugged him, minho smiled and hugged back. hyunjin bowed to her politely and she bowed back at him and ushered them in to the playroom.

they dropped the donuts and toys on the table and some staffs took care of them. minho grabbed hyunjin's hand and laughed as they went towards the middle of the playroom where most of the kids were.
are you here to adopt me?
a little kid, about three or four asked looking up at minho and he smiled softly, bending down to her level to ruffle her hair.
if only i can....
he said and the girl frowned.

do you want to play?
minho asked and the girl's eyes lit up before holding minho's hand and bringing him to her favorite corner in the room. hyunjin went back to help the staffs arrange the donuts and gave out the toys, glancing at minho every once in a while with a soft smile. the sight of him playing with a child, how gentle and loving he was, the way he laughed enjoying his time with the younglings, it made hyunjin's heart warm and he thought of it's something he wants to see for the rest of his life.

minho's family had been supporting our shelter ever since they adopted jeonginnie, until now he still tries his best to support us even if the two brothers are also suffering after their parents died.
the old woman said looking at him with a smile, she patted hyunjin's shoulder before excusing herself and he bowed at her to show politeness of her leave.

you look so cute and happy around kids.
hyunjin said smiling as they walked out the shelter, the sunset now turning the surroundings into a tangerine shade and minho looked at hyunjin a little confused.
it makes me want to spend my future with you.
hyunjin laughed a little and walked on ahead, leaving minho to stop and stand there taken back and his heart jumping out his chest.
he whispered softly, feeling his face heating up.

they stopped by hyunjin's apartment and hyunjin went on ahead to cook something as minho lied down on the couch to take a nap. hyunjin finished up cooking and skipped towards the couch where minho was still sleeping and giggled before lying on top of him, hugging minho who groaned and lightly slapped him.
hyunjin, you're heavy....
minho muttered still sleepy.

hyunjin didn't move and still laid on top of him, with minho just sighing and hugging him back.
do you know why i asked you to come spend the day with me?
hyunjin asked and minho let out a confused look and he stroked the younger's hair softly. 
minho asked and hyunjin slightly giggled.
it's my birthday today.

minho's eyes widened and hyunjin sat up a little to look at minho with a grin.
why didn't you tell me!? you could've at least let me cook or something!
minho frowned and hyunjin laughed before pecking him on the lips.
you agreeing to spend time with me is more than enough.
hyunjin said softly and minho blushed.

also i left work early because youngmi threw a party, luckily enough i was able to escape.
hyunjin laughed and lied down on top of minho again, minho hugged him back with a small sigh.
i don't understand why you wanted to spend your time with me instead, it might be more fun there.
minho said with a frown.
i get sick there, i couldn't pass the opportunity to spend my special day with you.

but we can always have fun here if you wanted to.
hyunjin smirked and minho's face heated up again.

can you spend the night? i want to cuddle with you and watch movies, then when i wake up i want you to be the first thing i see.
hyunjin said muffled as he buried his face onto minho's chest. minho smiled and sighed.
i'd love to.

they ate dinner and minho cleaned up and washed the dishes as hyunjin went out to buy some snacks. minho finished and went to the bathroom with the night clothes hyunjin let him borrow and took a warm shower.
hyunjin rung the doorbell and blushed seeing minho open the door wearing his slumber shorts and oversized tshirt exposing a bit of minho's collarbones.
you bought too much hyunjinnie.
minho giggled and took the snack bag from hyunjin who couldn't stop himself from biting his bottom lip.

hyunjin went to the bathroom to go shower while minho prepared the couch and tv for their movie night. he set up the pillows on the side of the couch, draping a huge comforter over and placed the snacks and drinks on the coffee table. he set up the tv and opened hyunjin's netflix account, letting hyunjin decide the movie afterwards.

hyunjin arrived later, drying his hair and smiled seeing minho already sitting on the couch. he walked towards him and minho smiled, ushering hyunjin to join him who was wrapped in the comforter.
hyunjin giggled and hugged minho, with minho draping the comforter over hyunjin as well and they went ahead to choose a movie to watch.
what film do you want?
minho asked but hyunjin just snuggled onto him.
what's your favorite?
hyunjin asked.

minho scanned through the different movies and his eyes sparkled.
i like studio ghibli films, have you watched spirited away?
minho asked and hyunjin shook his head.
how come you haven't? that was almost everyone's childhood.
minho looked at him and laughed, hyunjin pouted and snuggled unto minho's neck again.
i had a different childhood.

wait.... what the heck— why'd they turn into pigs???
hyunjin asked and minho giggled seeing how cute hyunjin was, he kissed the younger's soft baby cheek and told him to just keep watching to understand, mainly because he was too lazy to explain.

in the middle of the movie, hyunjin looked over at minho and smiled seeing how pretty the older looked with his eyes focused on the screen. minho glanced to his side and noticed hyunjin staring, minho reached out and held the side of hyunjin's neck to kiss him. hyunjin kissed back, a blush creeping on his cheek feeling how sweetly minho was kissing him.

minho pulled apart and stared at hyunjin's eyes with a soft smile playing on his lips.
happy birthday.
minho whispered.


𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 : 𝟷𝟷𝙾𝟺𝟸𝙾
sorry for not updating yesterday but i hope you guys liked this chapter !! :DD

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