Chapter I

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Grey and gloomy it was. Victor was expected to be married tomorrow, he didn't even know the girl.
"Come on Victor! We'll be late!" Mrs Dort said as she finished up her tune with Mr Dort. Victor hurried downstairs and couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight that his mother couldn't fit into the carriage due to her large dress.

"I can't believe our daughter is soon to be married to a Dort!" Mrs Everglot scowled. "Well, under our circumstances, it's the only way out of this..." Mr Everglot paused. "This shortage of money!" He finished. "Oh, how embarrassing this is." Mrs Everglot sighed dramatically, and paused as the doorbell rang. They both quickly, but elegantly, ran down the stairs to open the door. Mrs Dort was fixing up Victors suit and soon became embarrassed when she'd noticed the door was open. "Why hello!" Mrs Dort said politely as she shook Mr and Mrs Everglots hands, as Mr Dort did the same. Victors parents followed the Everglots into a room, and victor stayed behind.

He walked over to the piano and touched a key, just to check no one could hear. He did three more keys, and when he'd finally realised no one could hear him, he began playing a tune. He played away and sat himself in the seat near the piano. He played and played and got so lost in his tune that he hadn't noticed Victoria Everglot standing behind him. She was blown away by his piano skills. She'd wished that she could play just as good, but her mother had always called it 'Too passionate and for a young lady.'. Victoria stepped into sight of Victor which sent him into shock. She bounced up from his seat, only just saving the vase. "Oh! Do forgive me." He said embarrassed at what had just happened. "You're really good at piano." Victoria said with a large smile. Maybe marrying this man wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it wouldn't just be for money and power, and maybe they could generally love one another. "I-I-I do apologise, Miss Everglot. How rude of me to... Well... Excuse me."

Victor picked up his seat and tripped over the piano causing the vase to fall, in which he once again saved, except he'd been holding the blue flower. He sniffed it and passed it to Victoria to smell. They both giggled and smiled. The smell reminded them both of love.

"What impropriety is this? You shouldn't be *alone* together! Here it is, one minute before five, and you're not at the rehearsal. Pastor Galswells is waiting. Come at once." A stern voice said from the shadows. It was Mrs Everglot. It must've been how tall she was, including her beehive hairstyle that'd sat probably one inch tall, that seemed to intimidate everyone. Victor jumped and hid the flower behind his back. She signalled them to follow behind her, and they did exactly that.

Three hours later

"With this hand, I will cup your-" Victor stuttered trying to remember his lines. "Oh goodness no!" He shouted in disappointment. "Absolutely useless!" Pastor Galswells huffed. Victor tried to light the candle once again, but it failed. He ignored the candle part and tried to remember his lines again. He couldn't, it just didn't come to him. Something in him just didn't want to say it. He sighed and smiled as Victoria lit his candle with hers, which he'd soon blown out once again by his large sigh. He turned around to see the disappointment on not only his parents, but the Everglots faces. He'd also seen utter disappointment on an unfamiliar mans face. He looked evil, but Victor chose to ignore it as he was used to these kinds of people.

"Have you even remembered the ring?" Mrs Everglot scowled expecting him to be unprepared. "Yes!" Victor confidently pulled the ring from the pocket of his tuxedo and held it between his pointer finger and thumb. He was quick to drop the ring which caused everyone to sigh loudly. Victor, with his candle lit up, still in his hand, chased the ring that'd fallen under Mrs Everglots dress. He confidently held up the ring, without realising he'd lit Mrs Everglots dress on fire! His face dropped and he quickly blew out the candle. Mr Everglot stepped on her dress as she was dramatically screaming. Victors mother tried to fan Mrs Everglot in attempt to 'save the day' into which she responded "Stop fanning me! You're making it worse!" As everyone was in distress, the evil man, aka, Barkis Bitten, was quick to poor red wine on the dress which instantly stopped the fire.

Victor quickly stood up awkwardly and noticed Victoria was frowning. "You don't want to get married." She said innocently. "No!" Victor tried to fix the situation, but it only made it worse. Everyone gasped at his response. "I- I mean, no! I don't not want to get married." He tried to add. "You need to fix this boy!" Pastor Galswells said angrily. Victor quickly ran out the door to get fresh air. He stood, leaning against the edge of the bridge. "Marriage disaster! Victor Van Dort messed up the wedding rehearsal! The wedding may or may not continue tomorrow!" The news reporter shouted loudly over the top of his loud bell. Victor just sighed and walked into the forest.

The full moon shone on him, and gave the forest light. He walked through the trees and finally sat down with his head facing towards his knees. He held the flower in his hand, that he'd put in his pocket when Mrs Everglot had frightened him. "With this hand I will- I will light your mother on fire." Victor muttered to himself. He stared at the flower and gave it a sniff. It made gave him serotonin, and suddenly all his vowels came to him! "With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." He said while dancing around as the crows flew from the branch they were perched on. With this hand I will lift your sorrows. "Ah, Mrs. Everglot. You look ravishing this evening. What's that, Mr. Everglot, call you "Dad"? If you insist, Sir." He said while pretending a branch was Mr Everglots hand. He danced around while saying "With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." He stopped dancing to pull out the ring from his pocket, and carefully place it onto a hand shaped branch. "I do." A voice said.

Crows surrounded around Victor and he attempted to shoo them away, in which they did. The crows watched from the high branches. As he turns away, the branch shoots out, grabs Victor's arm and almost pulls him into the ground. Victor pulls himself free and finds a detatched skeletal hand gripping his arm. He watches as the ground gives way and an unearthly female figure, wearing a dishevelled wedding dress, rises from beneath the tree. She pulls back her veil. The crows watched as the dirt fell into the empty spaces that I had been sitting in for many years. I stood up and stared Victor in the eyes which caused him to run. The crows chased after him, and so did I.

He slipped on the river that'd turned to ice, and tried to run, but failed, which only made me closer to him. He finally caught his balance once he'd seen how close I was to him. He ran and ran until he'd become closer to the bridge, I heard his loud panting from miles away. The trees and crows slowed him down and I was only centimetres away from him. He fainted, I don't know why. Must've been the adrenaline.

👻𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧👻

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👻𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧👻

(It's close okay)

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