Chapter VII

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'Last year, was the last time I ever saw her.' Victor wrote into his diary. He closed it shut and locked it with the lock he put on himself when Victoria wouldn't stop reading his diaries. Victor hasn't felt a peep of happiness since the day I vanished. He's never tried to summon me, and the only time he spoke of me was in his diaries. The ones with locks. The bags under his eyes had gotten darker and bigger than ever before. All I could do was watch him ruin himself. He barely ate or drank water. He barely left home, and drowned himself in work. Sadly, Victoria had gotten pregnant with someone else's baby, and they both attempted to file for a divorce but it failed.

"Well if you hadn't made such a fuss about it!" Victoria shouted. "Oh so now it's my fault that you cheated on me." Victor shouted in a calm tone. "Maybe if you hadn't fallen in love with a dead bride!" Victoria screamed. Victor just walked into his library. He started to read a book and stared out the window. All he could see was grey and sadness. It was all he ever saw really. Besides that small time in his life where he'd seen colour and happiness. Victor sat on a chair against the window. He put his book down and put his hand on the grey window. A single tear fell down his cheek, he didn't make any expression so it was hard to tell if it was just because he'd had his eyes open too long.

I couldn't handle breaking Victors heart for any longer. I was afraid he'd do something terrible. I decided to show myself to him. I stood behind the chair he was sitting on and watched him rub the fog off his window to reveal the town. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he didn't flinch for a second. He must've thought I was Victoria. "Go away Victoria." He said as he picked up his book. I didn't reply, I just stood there. "I said GO!" He shouted which scared me. He turned his head to yell at who he thought was Victoria, but relaxed his face once he'd seen who I was. "E-Emily?" He said dropping his book onto the floor. I smiled expecting a hug, but he travelled into his thoughts. "You really hurt me." He whispered softly. "I know." I whispered back. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to the floor. Victor stood up from his chair and begun to cry. This time with an expression. I didn't know what to do, so I hugged him, but he pulled away.

"Don't you see? I can't live without you, you make me want to be dead." He whispered emphasising the 'dead'. I rested my hand on his shoulder hoping to comfort him. "You make me want to be alive." I said. "Well then do it! Be alive!" He said in utter disbelief that I could've done so the whole time. "No Victor. It's not that simple. It's not safe for either of us, it goes against the rules in the book." I said regretting what I'd said before. Victors face dropped and he sighed as he sat back down on the chair. "I want to have kids with you, and we can move away to a better town." He said in a disappointed tone. "But I can't. Swear I'll kill Barkis a million times before he can live again." He added in anger.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall so I vanished with the blue butterflies. Victor just sighed holding back his tears, trying to ignore the lump in his throat. Victoria walked in only to just see one blue butterfly. "Oh how sweet. A blue butterfly." She said without realising what this meant. "Yeah." Victor sighed. "I'm going." Victoria said. "Where?" Victor turned his head only to see she was wearing an oddly slutty dress. "Out." She whispered angrily. "In that?" Victor frowned and covered his eyes at the unholy sight. "Why do you care? That stupid bride went around in a tight dress, so why can't I?" She said out of anger and pure jealousy. Victor turned his head back to his book and slightly shook his head. Victoria huffed and walked out the door.

Victor listened to the sound of her shutting the heavy door that guarded their house. He sat up and turned around expecting to see me. I wasn't there. He instantly gave up and sighed, pulling out his diary. 'Today was the last time I saw her.' He wrote with a frown. I looked over on his book only to see he'd written down every time he'd seen me. He always described me as gorgeously prepossessing. "Oh do forgive me world." He whispered as he opened his window stepping out into the cold and on to the window ledge. He was three stories high, enough to either kill or paralyse. He shivered from the cold and held onto his shoulders to keep warm.

I had no idea what to do, so I just stood there, and watched. He jumped, with fear written all over his face. He was probably two inches from the floor when black crows swooped in and saved him. They carried him onto the bridge where I was awaiting. Victor was placed next to me and I stared at him with my eyes full of tears. For the first time in many years I'd felt my non existent heart beating from shock. I held my hand against my chest to feel where my heart used to be. I quickly grabbed Victors hand and placed it where the beating was. He jumped when he felt my non existent heart beating fast. It quickly stopped until once again, there was no heartbeat. I frowned not knowing what to think.

"Oh Emily, I'm so sorry." He said frowning. "No no. Don't be." I said holding onto his hand. "You're right. I shouldn't be. You should be." He said furrowing his brows. "I- Victor-" I was quickly interrupted by him. "No. You- you left me depressed. I could've been in the dead with you! But you- you won't let me die. That goes against the worlds rules!" He shouted out of confusion. "Victor, don't be silly! I was stupid enough to fall in love with a horrible man, and it was meant to happen, you're not dying because the world isn't ready for you to leave yet. I'm not doing anything." I said walking further into the woods. "But I'm in love with you!" He said standing on the ledge of the bridge. "Victor.. it's not going to work." I said knowing some sort of miracle would happen. He jumped and was quickly saved by a strong gush of wind pushing him away from landing into the lake far beneath the bridge. He landed next to the bridge, in the woods. He stood up and dusted off his clothes. "But..when we were getting married.." He said looking me up and down. "But that didn't happen did it? Someone else way more deserving drank that." I said walking over to him. "Then what was the reason for me meeting you if everything happens for a reason." He sarcastically added expecting me to be speechless. "To teach you a lesson. To teach you how to love, how to know who you want and what you want, you're not going to marry the first person you fall in love with, because falling out of love is a thing too. I unfortunately learnt that lesson the hard you can tell. Everything you go through happens for a reason Victor Van Dort." I cupped his cheeks and gave him an innocent look. I kissed his lips gently leaving him confused.

He smiled and sat on the floor. He slicked his hair back and thought for a few minutes. "But Emily." He whispered. "What Victor?" I replied. "Who even needs a heart when a heart can be broken?" He said pulling out a sword. Barkis' Bittens sword. "Did you not understand anything I told you?!" I shouted grabbing onto where my heart used to be. It was beating again. Why? I have no idea. Victor held the sword at his heart, standing up from the floor. He smiled, and really recognised the wind blowing against his hair, how it felt on the small blonde hairs all around his face, he went through every happy and sad memory in his mind. All the happy memories contained of me. He stared at the full moon remembering how I'd danced in it. How I really took advantage of it's presence. He stood next to me staring at the moon. The moonlight shone against his face which made him smile. He stared at me with a comforting smile, before clenching onto the sword tightly.

 He stared at me with a comforting smile, before clenching onto the sword tightly

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