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With a steady stony glance— / Like some bold seer in a trance, / Beholding all his own mischance, / Mute, with a glassy countenance— / She look'd down to Camelot.


Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Lady of Shalott (1832)

THE CARRIAGE RIDE TO FOUR POINT was a relatively short one, thankfully.

In the centre of a parade of guards marching soldiers and standard bearers, Sophie and Rhian were displayed to the people in their open-top carriage, both clothed in gold and scarlet, lion insignias every which way-- around their necks in lockets and chains, emblazoned on Rhian's shield, hung from the spears of the knights riding beside them, embroidered on Rhian's cuffs and Sophie's hemline, and on the hilt of Excalibur, which was resting across Rhian's lap. They rode through the town to the cheers of the crowds lining the streets, waving yet more lions and banners emblazoned with Rhian's face. Sophie couldn't help but notice, though, the ones who didn't cheer-- grandparents skulking in shopfronts, a gaggle of teenage girls in black boots, servants with the royal insignia on their shoulders... people with a lingering loyalty to Tedros, the prince they'd seen grow up, or those who had been endeared to Agatha. The people who had been forced into bending the knee to Rhian, now seeing an opportunity to resist him.

Sophie smiled and waved, and Rhian did the same, playing to the crowds as ever; accepting flowers from onlookers and smiling at children with toy Excaliburs. Sophie bit back a sigh, externally trying to look as loving as possible, and glanced away--

Kei, riding beside them, caught Sophie's gaze and shot her a look of blackest loathing. His eyes were red-rimmed. Poor boy. Didn't understand that, really, they were working towards the same goal. Rhian would lose, and he could have him all to himself for all Sophie cared. But Sophie had to ensure it, and that was at the cost of Kei and Rhian's relationship. Whether Rhian would be decent enough to try and repair it was quite another matter.

Sophie turned her face away, and caught Nicola's eye, who nodded at her. Nicola had been invaluable, these past few weeks. Deliberately leaving her alone with Rhian, consistently trying to get Kei to complain about Rhian, reporting conversations between Rhian and advisors...

Everything Sophie needed to break him.

They reached Four Point by sundown, and rode a path lined by supporters from every corner of the Woods. At first, Sophie thought they were all in favour of Rhian-- and then she heard the variety of shouts.






Rhian's face stiffened slightly, but he managed to keep his composure, looking nobly ahead. Sophie copied him-- smiling serenely, but silently taking in everything around her.

Four Point had been completely transformed from the last time she'd been here. Neutral ground as it was, representatives from every kingdom had gathered amongst striped tents, teetering sets of stands already seating hundreds, and vendors furiously selling Lion merchandise or encouraging people to make bets on the final outcome. The crowd was immense. Nymphs and sirens from Ooty, man-wolves from Bloodbrook, humans of every shape and size, giants from Frost Plains and Glass Mountain, fairies from Gillikin... the scope was enormous.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2020 ⏰

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