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The lights dimmed with the single spotlight on the brunette girl

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The lights dimmed with the single spotlight on the brunette girl. She smiled looking around at the environment around her taking in all of what she and all of the people in front of her created. The family she built with the help of every single person in the audience in front of her.

After taking in a breath to get some oxygen in her lungs she chuckled, bringing the microphone to her lips, "I just wanna take this time, before I leave this stage, to say how grateful I am for every one of you. It's been a long year, and I'm so glad I got to live another year of this. This last song is for all of you. I love you guys!"

The teenage girl leaned over the stage to get her guitar from one of the stage assistants. The crowd filled with small flashes of light from their cellphones and the brunette started strumming her fingers along the strings forming the soft, melodic tune as she took in every little thing.

This was her last night for who knows how long. Even though she came to the decision of taking a break, now that it's becoming real she's realizing how much she really is gonna miss all of this. This was her life.

After the 4 minutes of this song her life was going on pause, and she was off to live a normal life.

She shut her eyes for a moment reliving every single moment of her life the past two years. The life she always dreamed of, the life she got to live.

"Talk. Let's have conversations in the dark," She sang the words, finally opening her eyes to live this last memory, "World is sleeping, I'm awake with you. With you." She sang the song in a slower tune than the recorded version.

This song was her most emotional song, but still, it remained her favorite despite the feelings behind it. She loved everything about it, it was a reminder of a time when she felt the most content. It didn't go the way she imagined and hoped it would, but it was a nice memory to hold on to.

Just like this day would be.

A memory.

"I won't break your heart." The tear fell from her eye at the last lyric of the song. It was both a happy, but a sad one. She couldn't figure out if the song or the memory of this day was the sad one, but she knew one of them or both made her feel that way.

The lights all went out and she disappeared backstage.

The moment she was off stage she felt her heart drop from her body.

He wasn't there.

After almost every show he was there to hug and kiss her telling her how proud he was of her. Now he wasn't. He was gone.

She would never get that feeling back.

"There she is! You did amazing, I'm proud of you Elle. I knew from the beginning I made the right choice." Her manager smiled proudly at her with his arms up taking in her presence.

Although it was nice to hear, it wasn't from who she wanted it to be.

The little Swan laughed hugging the man in front of her, "Thank you, Mike, I gotta go change. I'll meet you out front." She pulled away from him rushing off to her dressing room to get out of the clothes she was wearing.

Once she got into the room she shut the door leaning against the door, inhaling a very much-needed breath through her mouth. She looked at her phone on the vanity where she was sitting getting pampered 2 hours ago.

She could call him. Just one phone call. He may not even answer. Or he will... no, she can't. Not after everything. She can't call him.

She groaned and went to her phone flipping it over and started to get undressed trying her best to keep her eyes off of her phone laying down 5 feet from her.

The moment she opened the doors to the arena she was bombarded with cameras and questions. She tried to make it through all the bodies, cameras, and voices but it was hard.

"Elizabeth, are you really quitting music?"

"How are you doing after the breakup?"

"Is it true he cheated on you?"

"Is this the end of Jelizabeth?"

Elizabeth felt an arm over her and jumped only to relax once she saw it was her bodyguard. He held her close to him and pushed the people away, getting her through the crowd of people.

She got inside of the car not saying a word tapping her fingers excessively against her unbalanced leg that kept popping up and down. Her mind was clouded with one thing she just couldn't shake from her mind.

"Swan!" The loud voice caught her attention. She turned to face him with a low hum oblivious to the number of times he called her name, "Hey, you're about to be in a bigger crowd than that. I need your head out of the gutter." Mike told her in a stern monotone knowing she was out of it.

Elizabeth nodded and the car came to a stop. She could already hear the voices.

"Ash, don't let her out of your sight and make sure she gets home SAFE. Nothing less." Mike told the tall man across from him and he nodded, placing his shades on, "Yes, sir." He got out of the car helping the teenager out with him.

"Good job, Star. You did good." Mike told her before the door closed not taking his eyes from his phone. It seemed like he didn't mean the words he was saying, but Elizabeth knew he did, he just didn't want anyone else to know he had a soft spot for the teenager standing in front of him.

The door closed and she was engulfed with the lights and questions.

Just a few hours until she was back living the small-town life.

A few hours before all of this became a distant memory.

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