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Author's note: Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a little while. I have been busy with school. This imagine is set in season six. I hope you'll like it! And let me know if you want a part two!
John Murphy was a rather polite looking person to anyone. He had light brown hair and light grey-blue eyes. His crooked smile made him seem very kind. But perhaps, that didn't mirror the inside.
   His personality was you could say, not the best you can find. He had a past of stealing, murder and threatening. Doesn't seem like the nicest person, right? And on top of that, he was a big asshole.
   He absolutely loved to annoy everyone and everything he came in contact with. Sometimes he was really mean, shocker right? His presence simply made everyone who knew him get in a bad mood.
   Another thing that probably doesn't surprise you, is that he was a selfish idiot. He only did things to his own advantage. Whenever someone actually cared about him, he managed to push them away. For example, his ex-girlfriend Emori.
So in other words, John Murphy was a mean person.

You on the other hand, actually had an inside that went together with your outside. You had dark blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. Your smile made everyone else smile and you loved to help other people. In other words, you looked and were pretty innocent.

So what do you have to do with John Murphy?
   Well, let's put it like this, you didn't really like him. And he definitely didn't like you either. To be honest, you both hated each other.
   Why, you may wonder? Well, John was mean to everyone, but he had actually been the worst to you one time. If you don't count the people he has killed of course.
One time, he had teased you like he always did with everyone and it escalated.
He had started to blame you for your mother's death. He told you you were a failure to her and that she would be alive if it weren't for you. Now, this was low, even for him. He knew, just like everybody else, you already blamed yourself for her death.
She had been floated on the Ark, because of assault against a man. But she only did it because of you.
   The man had tried to rape you and you screamed and screamed until your mom came. She hit the man with an iron pipe until he was unconscious. Of course she did it to help you, but her anger took over and she did too much.
   The man had survived but was later floated because of his attempt to rape you.
Now, you blamed yourself for her death. Tho everyone told you it definitely wasn't your fault.

From the day John had told you that, you despised him. You found every opportunity to make his life hell, because he had made you feel even worse. And John, he was the same to you. Maybe because you hit him.. But that isn't important.
You two always did something to make the other one pissed of.

But there is something else you don't know, you and John were actually friends on the Ark. Before his dad and mom died at least.
   His dad had stolen medicine to help John when he was sick, which made him get floated. His mum blamed him and became so depressed because of her husband's death, she drank herself to death.
   This took very hard on John of course and I guess it explains why he is like he is. But it still doesn't give him the right to be shitty to everyone.
After his parents died, he stopped talking to everyone, including you. And here we are, you two hating each other instead.

You walked slowly behind the others in the big lush forest. Everywhere you looked, there was green and more green. The trees were big and so were also the bushes. The ground was made out of dirt and old leaves. It made a pleasant soft sound when you walked.
   You looked up and saw the big blue sky over the treetops. It looked so pretty with the birds flying all over it. You took a deep breath and sighed. It felt amazing to be able to breathe real air again. Also, the nature on this moon was spectacular.
Well, you had been asleep for 125 years. No wonder it felt good to be back on your feet.

John Murphy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now