Abomination part 2

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   "You killed your mom."
   "Stop it!"
   "It's your fault Y/n, you're useless. You are only good for one thing, sex. You are a stupid slut."
   "Shut your fucking mouth John." You raised your hand to slap him, but he caught your wrist.

It all happened so fast. Murphy backed you up against a wall, making you let out a gasp when you hit it, hard. He trapped your hands above your head and then leaned as close as he could to your face.
   "Don't hit me Y/n." He said in a low husky voice and stared into your eyes.
   You felt anger inside you, but also something else. Something about the situation, made you blush. He was so close, his breath hitting your face. He smelled nice too. You inhaled and felt your heartbeat raise. He was so close, you could just lean in and you would be kissing him. The tension was so strong you could touch it.
   "Or what?" You smirked.
   "Or you will regret it."
   "That I say you killed your parents?"
   "Shut up."
   "Make me."
   Murphy stared at you for a moment, probably considering if this was a good idea or not. But then, he crashed his lips on yours.
   You kissed him back hungrily and got one of your hands loose from his grasp. You tangled that hand into his messy brown hair, pulling him closer. He let go of your other hand and placed his hand on your waist. His other hand rested on the wall above your head.
   He moved his hand to your ass and squeezed it. You jumped, which made him chuckle. He then, started to kiss down your neck. You couldn't help that you let out a small moan. His sucking and nibbling felt so good.
   He then kissed your lips again, but managed to get of his jacket and yours in the meantime. His hand disappeared up under your shirt and you shivered. His fingers were cold, yet it felt good in some way.
   His hand stroked the edge of your bra and you moaned into his mouth. He was a very good kisser. His soft lips made it even better.
   He then grabbed your hand and pulled you with him against a table. He lifted you up on it and then pulled his shirt over his head. You bit your lip when you looked at him.
   He smirked and managed to get your shirt of too. Then he continued his work on your neck and collarbones, but were now also kissing down your cleavage.
   You let out several whimpers and moans while grasping his hair. You ran your hands down his stomach, which made him suck on your neck even more aggressively.
Soon, both of you were just in your underwear and Murphy's hands were literally everywhere on you. Your body felt like it was burning, his touch was incredible.
   He kissed down your stomach and then on the inside of your thighs. You shivered and leaned your head back, knowing what he was going to do.

Both of you laid down on the floor, exhausted.
   "Fuck you're hot Y/n." Murphy said and licked his lips.
   "You too John." You smirked.
   "Don't call me that Y/n." He gently choked you.
   That turned you on again and you looked at him with lust in your eyes. Murphy noticed.
   "Round 2?" He asked and smirked.
   "Hell yeah."

After a second round (cough🙃), you fell asleep next to Murphy on the floor in a pair of old blankets you found. It felt cozy and warm to lay so close to him.
   You listened to his steady breathing and watched his chest rise and fall. He looked so peaceful and nice when he slept, not cocky and on edge like he was when he was awake.
   You sighed and suddenly felt a need to touch him. You let your fingers stroke his chest softly and then up to his cheek where you left your hand. He looked beautiful.
   Wait what? Beautiful? You shook the thought out of your head. You hated him. Why would you think he was beautiful? Nope, that was a thought you really shouldn't be thinking. This was only a one time thing of course, to blow of some steam. Nothing emotional at all. You tried to make yourself believe it, but it didn't quite work out.

You woke up in the morning and stretched. The sun was blinding you and you rubbed your eyes. You sat up and then it all came back to you; Where you were, what you had done, who was next to you, that you were naked... Naked? Shit!
   You quickly got up and put on your clothes as fast as you could. A loud groan came from behind you and you turned to see Murphy looking very sleepy.
   "Jeez I'm so tired." He stated while standing up.
   He didn't seem bothered at all by the fact that he was naked, and slowly made his way over to his clothes. You scoffed at him, this was probably a common wake up for him.

   "Hey Y/n, how are you feeling?" He walked over to you after getting dressed.
   "I'm okay, a bit sore." You blushed.
   "Okay, well I was referring to your neck."
   "My neck?" You walked over to a small mirror on the wall.
   The sight was hideous. You looked as though you would cry at any time, your hair was all over the place, you had dark circles under your eyes and your lips were swollen. On top of all that, you had lots of red and purple hickeys all over your neck.
   "Fuck." You mumbled under your breath.
   "Oops." You heard a smug voice behind you.
   "Fuck you." You said while turning back to Murphy.
   "You can if you want."
   You rolled your eyes and scoffed.
   "Never again."
   "So it was bad?"
   You got red.
   "No... But we hate each other. Just, please... Let's not tell the others."
   "Fine, good luck with that." He eyed your neck and smirked.
   "Thanks." You muttered and pulled your jacket up so that it was covering at least a bit of your neck.
   You also put your hair as good as you could over your neck, so that the hickeys would be mostly hidden.
   "Let's hope no one sees it."
   "Yeah." Murphy said.

The day went on smoothly, much more smoothly than you had thought. The others had helped each other to unlock their wristbands and was very angry at you and Murphy for breaking them, but not surprised.
   No one seemed to notice the tension in the air and that you and Murphy were awfully quiet. You would tease each other all the time, but not today. You felt awfully embarrassed and were careful not to watch Murphy for too long.

In the evening, Clarke came up to you.
   "Hey Y/n, did anything happen with you and Murphy? I see you didn't kill each other at least."
   You chuckled but felt a nervousness creep in on you. She was onto something.
   "I got angry because he was being really mean and I found a pair of scissors to cut me loose. Unfortunately, Murphy got a hold of them and freed himself as well. But we didn't fight or anything, just argued." Your voice was shaking a bit. You weren't a very good liar.
   "Is that so? Then why is your neck covered in hickeys?" Clarke said and raised her eyebrow.
   You immediately grabbed your hair and put it back in its place around your neck. You blushed uncontrollably.
   "You noticed?"
   "Yes I did." She smirked, but soon her face became serious.
   "Just be careful Y/n. I love Murphy, but he can be a real jerk. I don't want him to break your heart."
   "Oh, you can be calm. It isn't like that. It was just a one time thing, we were both a little off. You know, the red sun."
   Clarke nodded, but her facial expression told you she didn't believe you. She walked away from you, giving you a cautious look.
   To be honest, you didn't believe yourself. The feelings you had felt last night wasn't because of the red sun. They had been real. Damn it, this was bad. You continued thinking nonstop about what the hell you should do the rest of the evening.

Author's note: Yay! Finally finished part 2! What do you think? Is it worth a part 3? Any ideas for part 3 if you want one?

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

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