A vote!(I need help)

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This is a vote!

And there is only one rule!
.You can only vote once! 

So in this vote you guys have to decide on what happens in the story next, since I am stuck between a few ideas.

1. Do you want a few chapters focusing on Soundwave and Shockwave trying to find a cure for the spell he has?

2. A chapter on where were focusing on Spider-bitch and what her 'amazing' plan is?

3. Would you like some more chapters on Starscream and his past?/Making up with Arcee

4. Or would you like a surprise chapter??? I unfortunately can't tell you what it is, but it's very special and it is not any of the other options!

5(Bonus). ORRR would you all like a chapter focusing on Knockout and Wildbreak/ Knockout dealing with losing Breakdown? 

You decide! I will give you until the 30th of November(or shorter, depends) You can also suggest other things you want to happen as well knock yourselves out! (pun intended) 

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