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Y/N's POV:

It's been a couple days and somehow you've grown accustomed to everything. Everyday was fun to you and you've grown closer to everyone, but one person. V. That man rarely came into the chat room and so you had a difficult time trying to get close to him.

You: Guys, do you know where V is?

Yoosung: Nope. Don't care.

Jumin: I believe his in another country right now. Why?

You sigh.

You: No reason. I just rarely had the chance to talk to him. That's all.

"Dammit," you said out loud, "I know he's not in another country, but I can't just say that. If I can't get close to him I won't be able to get close to Rika and Saeran. Then I won't be able to complete this 'mission' ugh."

Jumin: If you need to talk to him I can try reaching out to him?

Jaehee: You mean you'll make ME try to reach out to him.

Jumin: ... You are correct.

Zen: Jaehee... I'm sorry you have to put up with this guy.

Jaehee: It's just part of my job.

You: If you can Jaehee that would be great, but you don't have to. I can just wait.

You sigh, "can I really wait? How long am I allowed to spend here?"

All of a sudden, the same big screen appears.

'There is no time limit, but you're body is growing weaker the more you stay in this dimension.'

"I see... what if I take my time because I don't want to leave?"


'Although there are no rules. We cannot allow you to stay in this world for too long.'


'Like I said your body is not used to this dimension. If you still choose to stay your body will slowly grow weaker and if you won't complete this mission then you won't be helping them and you'll just end up passing away, but if you still choose to stay despite the warning. Then we can do nothing about it.'

You stay quiet for a couple of seconds before you shake your head, "although I want to stay here. I don't wanna be selfish... I want to help them."

'I see. Then, good luck.'

The big screen disappears and you stare off in your barely light room.


The next morning you wake up to your phone vibrating. You groan as you sit up and look at your phone. Your eyes widen as you realize who was calling you.

You pick immediately and put the phone to your ear, "v?!"

"Hey y/n, how are you?"

"I-I'm doing good. How are you, v?"

"I'm doing alright thank you for asking. Sorry for calling so early in the morning, but Jumin and Jaehee both told me you wanted to talk to me?"

You smack your forehead with the palm of your hand. You didn't prepare for him to call you this soon. You had no idea what to say.

"Um yeah, I just had questions I'm hoping you can answer."

"Sure, I'll gladly answer any of your questions."

"Well first, can we meet? Or are you unavailable right now?" You asked as you started sweating.

"... um, I can't today. I can try to find room in my schedule for next week?"

"Oh yeah that's fine with me. Thank you V. I really appreciate you doing this."

"It's no problem, but I have to leave soon. I'll call you when I'll be able to meet you." He said. All of sudden, you hear a voice. The voice sounded familiar to you and after a while of thinking you realized that it was Rika's voice.

"Listen y/n, I really have to go, but I'll definitely call you. Goodbye." V hung up without giving you a chance to say goodbye back.

"V..." you said to yourself, "I know. I already know. I hope I'll be able to help you and everyone else."

You fall back onto your bed and close your eyes.

'This is a lot harder than I thought. Can I really do this?' You thought.

You let out a sigh.


A couple hours went by and it was already dark. You were focusing on your list of people to invite to the party when your phone starts vibrating next to you. You look at it and see it's Jumin calling.

"Hello? Jumin?"

"Y/N, I'm glad you picked up. You weren't at the chat earlier, but Zen kept talking about his provocative posters again and so I called you for a change of pace. How are you doing Y/N?"

"Oh haha, I'm doing good thank you for asking Jumin. How are you?"

"I'm doing alright. I'm at home with Elizabeth the 3rd and drinking some wine while looking out at the scenery before me. I wish you could see it. It's very beautiful." Jumin chuckles as he finishes his sentence.


"Hm? Oh sorry, I just found it a bit odd how I wished you were here."

"I'm sure it is beautiful," you get up from the chair you've been sitting in for a while and stretch a bit. You walk to your window and open it. A nice breeze caresses your face, "I just opened my window haha. Although I can't see the whole city. I can see the stars."

"I see... it's a bit weird of me to say, but it's comforting to know that we're looking at the same sky."

"I think so too," there was a comfortable silence for a bit before you asked, "are you okay Jumin?"

"...I would like to say I am."

"You don't have to tell me if you're having a hard time deciding if you should tell me or not. Whenever you're ready to tell me. I'll be here to listen." You smile even though you knew he couldn't see it.

Jumin's POV:

"You don't have to tell me if you're having a hard time deciding if you should tell me or not. Whenever you're ready to tell me. I'll be here to listen."

As soon as Y/N finished her sentence. A chill ran through my body. I felt my heart beating faster and I started feeling a bit warm. What was this feeling?

I look at the wine in my hand and decided to stop drinking and shake my head.


Oh? The way she said my name too gave me chills.

"I'm still here. Thank you for the words Y/N. I really do appreciate it. It seems like it's late though so I will let you go to sleep. Goodnight Y/N."

"Okay. Goodnight, Jumin."

I hung up and stared at the scenery in front of me. Elizabeth the 3rd climbed on top of my lap and meowed. Her blue eyes looking at me.

"Can you perhaps feel my heart beating faster?"

Elizabeth the 3rd just meowed and I let out a sigh.

'Jumin, what has gotten into you?"


Hey hey, I'm sorry this chapter sucked and feels a bit rushed. So many things are happening at once too, but I changed my plans on this story. I plan on making this story short.

I know. I know.

But why?

Hmm, let's just say that my motivation in anything has been very low nowadays. Especially with writing, but I do plan on finishing it because if I don't It'll live in my head rent free.

Anyways, I hope you have a good day/night :)

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