Page 1: Dwindling Hope

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Forward the far edge of the Clover Kingdom, in a village that's only special quality was that it sat next to the skull of a demonic being. It was far away from the royal capital. Hage Village was a small village that grew a single type of crops, Nomotato, there wasn't much there except one man. Yuno who was an orphan at the church was blessed by mana. Yuno stands as the pride and hope of Hage Village. All the villagers of Hage were hoping that Yuno would become a magic knight to support the village.

...Everyone believes in Yuno...

Y/n grunted from lifting himself from a thick branch of a tree from the Forrest (the patch of trees that stood behind the Demon Skull). "997, 998, 999... 1000!" Counted the boy as he let go of the branch, as he pulled up a circular canteen that was attached to a strap across his chest (a piece of tied rope).

"Time, for some more, Moguro Leaf Juice." Y/n said with a tried expression while breathing heavily followed by chugging some of the green juice from the flask and wiping some juice from the corner of his mouth. He was wearing sandals with brown pants with different color patches and a light tan shirt with stitching all over it.

"Nine years... And still no luck with my magic, but not today..." Y/n cupped his hands together pulling them to his right side then throwing them outwards "...HAAAA!" Y/n screamed, switching position after each 'attack'.

Nearby at an Orphanage/Church, there were children and then Yuno, he was of average height, a lean build, amber eyes, and messy black hair, as he was assisting in the washing their clothing, "Yuno?" Cried a woman in Lily wearing a nun's habit and a gold cross on a gold bead necklace.

This was Sister Lily Aquaria, a young woman with dark blue hair with bangs parted to the sides, with more on the left side of her forehead, covering most of her left brow with teal eyes.

Yuno replied with a simple glance. "Is Y/n back yet?" Asked the Sister, and was answered by a young boy with short brown hair and purple eyes. He has small freckles across his nose. "You know Y/n is always slacking off in those trees"

"Of course not Nash, Y/n wouldn't be slacking off." Defended Lily for the sake of Y/n, despite not knowing what he does out there. "Yeah Nash..." Recca, a young girl with red curly hair and green eyes had spoken "... We don't have to get wood, and it's always chopped and ready to use. Do you think Yuno would do that?" Asked Recca.

Nash just looked at Yuno, who shook his head. Recca finished with "That all Y/n, besides he takes the ax with him."

Y/n sneezing threw him off balance while he positioning his feet, causing him to almost fall over. "They must be talking about me again... " Y/n hesitated and then sighed before falling to the ground. Looking up to the blue sky through a small gap between the leaves, spotting birds fly over high in the sky. "'s not pointless, my dream is not pointless. " Y/n thought back to him declaring he was going to become the Wizard King when he was 6 years old, and how the rest of the church was encouraging him to do so, but slowing as the years went on they slowly stopped, giving all their attention, all their faith, all their hope to Yuno. Who could easily control his mana, and Y/n couldn't even? He spent 9 years training his body, drinking Moguro Leaf Juice which was known for its magic-enhancing properties. Nevertheless, Y/n never improved, perhaps he thought 'maybe he was never meant to make his dreams come true, never meant to fly beyond the Forsaken Realm' these are thoughts that haunt his mind every moment of his life.

Y/n jumped up to his feet, "No, not yet, I'll never give up! I won't lose to Yuno of all people!" rustling of nearby leaves, peaked Y/n interest, picking up the ax that was resting on a rock, Y/n followed the way the rustling came from, then something took off running from him as he speeds up after it. Leading him away from the village,  chasing the creature, Y/n jumped forward grabbed the thing. Turned out to be a white rabbit creature with a horn on its head, it struggles to run in Y/n hands. But before he could release the thing, it proofed into a cloud of dust revealing a girl with long curly white hair and dark pink eyes, she was wearing a white sweater that went down to her thighs with red tights and brown boots. Y/n jumped up from the surprise, as the girl sat with a flush face. "Umm, you wouldn't happen to be Y/n would you?"

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