[Ghiaccio x Reader: I'll keep you warm]

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~{Hehe, I'm an Ice Man simp. So here, I had to make this. Also, I would like to take the time to thank you for 130+ reads!}~

The rain poured. It was the hardest it has rained in Italy this year. You and Ghiaccio had just gone on a date and you were going home. He was using his coat to cover the two of you while you jogged back to his place. "It never said it was going to rain today!! It said it was gonna be clear! What the hell?!" The icy cold man screamed. "Well, sometimes they are wrong and make mistakes. Everybody does it Ghia." You semi-yelled back over the rain.

He blushed at the nickname you had given him and started screaming again. "It's their job not to mess up! I bet I could do a job that easy!!" He spat out. You looked at him with a smug grin. "Ghia the only thing you could predict is the snow." You said sarcastically. "What?! You are assuming I can only do one thing because of my stand?!" He yelled back. He moved his jacket away from your head so you would get rained on. You pouted and yanked the jacket from above his head, soaking him as well. He grumbled and sighed, reaching for your hand so you could walk home. You smiled and took his hand and took off again. You two eventually made it to the house, soaked in water.

 You tossed off your shoes as Ghiaccio told you to wait there. After a few minutes, he comes back in dry clothes and hands you an oversized t-shirt. "A lot of my clothes would be big on you, so just take this..." He grumbled his pink face basically glowing. You smiled and went over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you Ghia!" You gleefully spoke, heading to the bathroom to change. He held his cheek as his face got redder and redder. 

When you returned he was as red as a tomato. The sight of you in his clothes set his heart on fire. You giggled a bit and walked over to him and smiled. "So, snacks and a movie?" You asked him slyly smiling. He calmed himself down then looked at you. "Yeah, go pick something out." He grumbled. You nodded and walked over to the movie cabinet as he went to the kitchen to prepare popcorn.

You looked at the movies and noticed a few, Edward Scissorhands, Ace Ventura, Back to the Future 3, Austin Powers. You looked through them until one caught your eye. The Blair Witch Project. You found this the perfect opportunity to get closer to him. He walked back in and saw you eying the movie. 

"Oh my god... Don't tell me you want to watch it..." He sighed. You nodded and put it into the DVD player. You got a few blankets from the closet as the previews played. He sat on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn and scooted so you could sit with him. You sat next to him and covered the two of you with the blanket. You snuggled yourself to his chest as the movie started. He took notice of this and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. 

A few hours into the movie the popcorn was gone and you were clinging on to Ghiaccio for dear life. He seemed annoyed at it but was concerned for you more. "You do know it's not real and it's a movie right?"  He asked. "Oh? Y- yea..h... just a little on edge y'know?" You stuttered out. 

He sighed and laid on his side, turning you with him. You sat there and let him do it. You two were now spooning, him holding dearly onto you. You gripped your hands softly on his and held them for support. 

You heard a yawn, and then light snoring behind you. I guess he fell asleep. You stopped paying attention to the movie and more on his cold embrace. "I'll keep you warm..." You jokingly said eventually drifting to sleep with him. 

~{I noticed my book was getting more and more views and I just wanna say, requests are open. Thank you! -Salem}~

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