Chapter Neinteen-The Stories

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Again, I spelled it that way for a reason XDXD

TW: Mentions of the original fairy tales, so the real story of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid. Proceed with caution if what is in those stories is triggering.

"Our findings are this," Logan said into his recorder once he got a moment to himself the next day. They had spent most of the day before practicing their abilities and had been fairly tired after, deciding to go straight to sleep instead of drawing it out, so Logan was just now getting a moment to himself. "Virgil is very powerful. I'm still not sure to what extent, but he seems to gain an endless amount of energy by using his abilities, though he seems a little hesitant after a break. He can teleport midair, and shoot things as if he isn't thinking about it. It is my belief that he isn't, that there is something in his lineage or something else that is helping him do these things. I'm not sure if I would ask him or bring it up yet, maybe after things settle down a little more." He glanced back over to where the campfire was slowly glowing, and he could hear Patton and Roman's voices softly chatting. Every so often, Virgil would add something. Logan smiled.

"Roman seems to also be fairly powerful, we learned about his ability to create fire from nothing. My theory about the magic choosing us has proven to be correct thus far, Roman does have the most, and excuse my wording here, explosive personality, so fire seems to be fairly on point." Logan quickly looked around and lowered his voice. "In other news, our relationship seems to be going well so far, we still have not told the others, and I still have not taken him out on an actual date yet, but the few moments we end up together on a watch or just are able to, as he puts it, hang, I have found enjoyable. I hope he does as well."

"Patton, on the other hand, hasn't let us do very much with his shape-changing abilities. I know it's his decision in the long run, but that isn't to say that I was not disappointed when he asked us not to test anything with his, as he puts it, curse. Other than that, what we have discovered that he can heal people, though we don't know to what extent yet, that was not something we were going to test, and he is able to burn objects if he touches them and makes his hands glow. I am a little relieved to hear that he has something besides his wolf transformation to keep him safe."

"My abilities have tended to stay the same, we have learned that if someone harms the books that I create, it doesn't physically harm me, though there is something to say about the psychological pain of watching someone harm a book that is not something to gawk at." Logan sighed, leaning back. He closed his eyes for a few moments, before turning off the recording. He stayed there for a few seconds, letting his eyes close. He knew he should probably get up and go back to the others, but it seemed like so much work. 

He opened his eyes forcing himself to stand. He got up too quickly, and his vision faded for a few seconds, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. He put his hand on the tree next to him and waited for it to pass. It always did, and he walked back to the group.

"Hey, Lo!" Patton grinned up at him. "What's the plan for tomorrow?" Logan sat down with the group and took out the folder in his bag.

"Let me see..." Logan trailed off, tracing their path with his finger. "It seems we're heading to what mainly looks like a few houses stretched along the path, though there is an inn for travelers labeled on the map. We should get to the inn in a few days." Roman groaned, leaning his head back and exposing his neck which showed a faint bruise Logan had left the night before, making direct eye contact with Logan, who flushed bright red.

"Oh thank the gods, a bed!" Logan quickly looked away, trying not to look like he thought that Roman looked really, really hot. Or that he thought he was wearing far too many clothes.

The Prince, The Gangster, The Teacher, And The Poet (Sander Sides Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now