October and The Munchies: 21st

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As I'm writing this, I can't believe I've survived 18 years and didn't die to pure uncontrolled chocolate binges and soda chugs,

Trashy, I know.

But I literally moved my keyboard and it revealed the most Gen Z looking crap I've ever seen underneath it. A Caramilk bar wrapper from 2 months ago, and a Webkinz code that has already been redeemed.

Sometimes I just ask how I got here. Sitting in bed naked with my phone flashlight turned upwards to the ceiling while I binge Forensic Files on Netflix and try to find any sign that confirms that my cat has a shred of care for me in it's tiny gross cat heart. I am the person who will tell themselves that they won't be scared of a scary movie but I'll sleep with the lights on till I officially pass out at 3am. Basically my days consist of wondering if there's a job out there for me that I'll adore, and will be good at.

On that note

I recently left my job, and I'm apartment "hunting". So in other words, I live with my grandmother and we pray to win the lottery on any place close to a good job market that DOESN'T have druggies on the premises, so far, no luck. I myself, am not a smoker, drinker, or recreational pot smoker, my parents were 2 of those (Guess which ones) and I swear, these activities were invented purely to make good kids into total asshats. And people say I'm not normal because I dislike my peers for their constant poor decision making and party loving attitudes. Basically, I don't want to make friends in my age group because I just don't want to get dragged into any of the messes they make.

Highschool was hell, and I have sworn off friend making till age 25. I've got perfectly great friends on Twitter and it's all I need. My best friend, Michael, is the best thing since a perfectly chilled soda fresh out of the ice box. He doesn't drink or smoke or do anything that wastes good money, and he's an artist (like me). I do my best to surround myself with good, caring people, who have strong morals and all that jazz... but god, my family sucks. My grandma has a distinct, and irritating habit of excusing social injustices by using the age old words any boomer would know "That's just the way it is". Like yeah, life sucks, but it doesn't have to does it? By the end of this century, Greta Thunberg will be cussing out the government and I WILL be there to cheer her on.

I understand where she's coming from, she's autistic, and she's straight to the point. She takes things seriously, and I admire it like Catholics admire god.

Anyway, Chicken strips were for dinner, we fried them in oil, just to try them out (Jane's brand). They were bland and tasteless aside from the Wendy's cheese sauce I used for dip. I recently found out Wendy's Canada discontinued vanilla frostys, cue the devastation of a 2002 baby.

Think I might go and do a quick renovation on my discord, my fingers are getting colder every time I finish a sentence here, so time to fix an abandoned trash fire.

Till next time.



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