Chapter 2:It's A Girl!💕

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After following the directions....The test is....(+) Positive!?, Kokichi sat in silence he didn't know what to do...That's when he heard knocks at the door!, He started freaking out thinking it was Shuichi!? "Hay-Hay-Hay! Are you ok in there??? Knock if your not dead!" Yelled Miu, Kokichi got out and showed her the test..."T-the t-test I-is p-positive...." He said with a low weeping voice, Miu looked at the test in shock even speechless...That's when something from the TV turned on..."Ding Dong Bing Bong! Ding Dong Bing Bong!" "Rise And Shine Ursine! It is now 8:00 AM!" Replied the Monokubs, "Everyone get ready and meet in the cafeteria for breakfast!" Said MonoTaro, So long..BEAR WELL!" yelled MonoKid, Shuichi, Miu and Kokichi are all standing outside the bathroom watching the monitor Miu quickly went to her dorm to get ready, After Kokichi got ready he sat on his beanbag, "Oh-Ah! Ow..." Kokichi said with a tiny voice, He looked down at his belly and felt another kick?! "Oh! Aah... *sigh" he said with a loud voice that's when the door blasted open to make Kokichi shriek and fall on his back!? "Hay! I'm back! I got this X-Ray thingy of whatever from the storage room! Oh.. are you ok??" Yelled Miu, Kokichi got up and sat down on the bed and Miu connected the device, putted the belly gel on his stomach "Eeeeee! So C-cold...."Kokichi yelled, Miu started the sonogram and saw a tiny little baby in Kokichi's belly! "I think it's a girl...CONGRATULATIONS! I think it's a girl..." Miu yelled , "O-oh my g-gosh...*sniff* SHE,S SO SMALL!" He started sobbing happily, After the sonogram Kokichi Said, "You know what...? I'll name you Aurora? Yeah I like that name...*baby kicks* Oh? Ah!, Nee-Hee-Hee! That tickles! I love you...Aurora" Said Kokichi, (The clock strikes 9:00 AM)
Here we go.....
(T.B.C.......) 🌈A Comment From Your Creator🌈:I might need to make more chapters at 3:00 in the morning :/ idk school probs...But! I will continue working on chapters! Like the last message if you dislike this just read the stories you like! P.S:You are on top of the 🌎!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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