Chapter 1 : The Beginning of New Terms

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3. 22. 2020
At the Grotto, 16 : 23 P.M.

Yes. Yes. Yes! Everything is going according to plan, I bite my nails with excitement. She better not mess this up! I think as Rue infiltrates the Agency through the vents. "Alright Rue, go to your right and then keep going straight until you see the vent door to the mission room." I instruct her through the earpiece.

Right as I think everything is going good, a faint 'hello there' is heard through the mic and the signal cuts off. No no no no! Argh! I stand up from my seat and throw my tech to the wall angered. Godammit Rue! I sigh and carelessly sit back down. "Chaos isn't going to be happy with this." I mumble and I look up to see the door creak open.

Speak of the devil, there he is. "Y/n l/n, my best mission commander, what the hell was that?" Chaos Agent interrogates.

I sit upright and cross my arms, "Look sir, that wasn't my fault. Rue volunteered to steal directly from Midas even though she was still a newbie, I told you not to let her but since you were so insistent I had to. And so, I followed along with her step by step and instructed her as detailed as I could. You can't blame this on me." I state.

"On the contrary, yes I can. I've been noticing that you've been lagging on your duties and I think this is the perfect time for a new position for you. You shall no longer be a mission commander instead you'll be a field agent. Meet me tommorow early in the morning at my office to receive your first mission." He says.

"What? I can't do field work sir! I-I'm no good anymore. Plus I'm way better at commanding. C'mon ill do my best from now on just let me stay the way I am." I plead but he just shakes his head.

"This job suits you best. After all you are known for assassinating, I don't see why this would be so difficult for you." He opens the door but stops, "And don't think this is some 'steal the plans' mission. This is something special." He says and leaves my command room.

What does assassination have to with this? I sigh in defeat. Whatever re fuck it is, I don't feel like doing it. I just hope it's not what I think it is.
3. 23. 2020
At home, 5 : 30 A.M.

Ring! Ring! Ring! My alarm wakes me up and I yawn. I turn off the alarm and check the time on my phone. 5:30 A.M. Great. Why did have me meet him so early? I think as I head to the bathroom for a shower.

I don't get why the water feels so nice and warm inside the shower but once you get out its freezing cold. I wrap a grey towel around my wet body and head back into my room.

I take my underwear from my drawer and put them on. Then I hover over to my bed, which already has my clothes spread on it and ready to wear. I put on a black turtleneck, black pants with white on the hem, and to finish it off I put on my black converse. Professional but casual.

I look at myself in the vanity mirror and brush my hair. I don't wear too much makeup so I simply put mascara and lip gloss on.
I look around the house for my purse and keys and head to the Grotto.

God I'm so happy Brutus converted to Shadow. Without him I would still be working in that other crappy base. I turn up the radio and start singing along to the song that's playing.

When I get to my destination I park at my usual spot and start walking towards the check line. As I inch closer to the line I notice someone and start running. I cut two people from the line to hug Drift from the back. His body tenses as I wrap my hands around his waist, "Hi Drift." His body eases as he hears my voice.

He turns around and takes off his mask for a kiss. "Hey babe. How have you been?" He asks, I hold his hand and stand next to him.

"Good but a little off since I'm no longer a mission commander." I answer narrowing my eyebrows.

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