Chapter 8 : Against My Word

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4. 20. 2020
5 : 08 A.M.

Why haven't you killed Midas yet? You keep saying "oh I'm going to kill him soon!" but you never do. What's up with that? Hey! Wake up! Ugh.

Ah! I suddenly feel a tight pain in my heart. I sit up and curl my hands into fists. Argh! A faded voice says, "Are you okay?" "Y/n! What happened?"

Why? It hurts so much...stop! As you wish. Ah! I'm knocked back and lay down on my bed, still in pain. I breathe heavily and look to a terrified Drift, "Don't worry about me, it was just a sudden pain." I wearily tell him and a single tear spills out the side of my eye.

"y/n..." Drift says and then turns around, presumably going back to sleep.

What the fuck was that, Ruby!

Well you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways, we have some business to take care of and I want it done now. Get your ass moving.

I don't move but I feel a force pushing me forward and I hear a silent and alluring chant. My eyes widen and all I see is red, I compellingly move on my own without thinking. Argh.

You fucking bitch.

Yes I am a bitch just like you. I feel a slight pain in my heart again but then it releases. But you're going to have to deal with me.

4. 20. 2020
14 : 45 P.M.

"Hello there, darling." says a familiar chilling voice. I look up to see Midas towering above me and looking down.

I jump and he places a hand on my head, "Did I startle you?" he questions and I shake my head.

"Nope. What do you want?" I ask, already knowing that he wants something.

"Stop making assumptions, what makes you think I want something?" He asks with a chuckle.

"You're Midas, most of the time when you start a conversation with me, you want something or you just want to annoy me. I know you well." I explain.

"Do you though?" He quirks up his eyebrow.

"Yes." I respond.

"Are you sure about that?" He questions.

"Mhm." I respond again.

"Mhm?" He mimics.





"Mhmmmm-ah! Just tell me what you want, Golden Boy!" I yell at him and pull him slightly towards me with his tie.

"Woah!" he steps away from me and fixes his tie, "y/n you naughty little agent." he teases me and I blush.

I cross my arms and look down, "The naughty one is're the one who fucking zipped me down and made us fail a mission." I mutter.

"Well, you bit me and actually... you fucking kissed me!" I look up at him and his eyebrows narrow, I notice a spec of pink on his face too.

I laugh at his blush and he looks at me, "Ah! You're so cute!" I playfully say and reach up to mess around with his hair. What are you doing?! I pull my hand away as quickly as possible and pull my sleeves down, "Sorry!"

He chuckles and places my hand back on his hair, "It's fine." he says sincerely and smiles sweetly.

I retract my hand and clear my throat, " haven't told me what you want yet."

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